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RE: Got Backbone?

in #vivacoin8 years ago

I read about a guy in Italy (just looked, can't find it) who proposed building a highly redundant, massively parallel, widely distributed network..for CHEAP. it had to do with 'shared resources' and 'distributed wi-fi'...and 'white space'.

The gist of the idea was that someone could buy a device...and it would connect to other similar devices (within oh...about a mile radius) by wi-fi. As more and more people bought and set up their devices the network would spread, organically. First local, then nationwide, and eventually the whole world would be covered by the net. Data Packets would thus be 'routed' among the WIDELY distributed network, none of which was to be dominated by any one company or group. If a hole in the net appeared, it was routed around.

Sounds like a good idea to me.