A fantastic article William. I do have serious reservations concerning the spread of technology to the degree you mentioned, more accurately about technocracy and those who have an agenda of control that want to use technology to manage every little aspect of human life for all but an elite few at the top.
Technology is only a tool, which can be used for both evil and good. Until humankind can get a handle on self governance first we will have a major limit on how prosperous individuals can be.
Hopefully by then the issue of psych/sociopaths will fade away as we stop using violence to solve problems, starting with how children are raised. I believe Stephan Molyneux is right on the money regarding how great a role violence currently plays in forming our psyche in our formative years. As we age we add layer upon layer onto our subconscious and insulate ourselves from the pain of those earliest years. So few people are willing to address that as a causal factor in the evolution of the human race.