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RE: My take on Vivacoin

in #vivacoin7 years ago (edited)

This makes for a very tangled knot with the books and it has taken a long time to sort out

Yes indeed. I've heard that VHL have hired a CFO now. It would be good if she would step out and confirm what you're telling here.

I admit I do have a tendency to use a rather methaphrical language. That isn't always appropriate, I'll try to be more "formal" now.

You're saying nowLet's start with TQ ( @tradeqwik )

TQ was always a sole prop

Normally when one of the partners "disappears" I would expect two other partners to be able to take care of the business.
However it wasn't the case here. According to Joe, website is VHL's property, emails are VHL's, servers contracts are signed by VHL, this making TQ the property of VHL for any practical purposes, this making the word "partners" meaningless here.Rick @instructor2121 and Joe @anotherjoe were formally introduced by @tradeqwik as "full partners" a long time ago.

Btw do I estimate correctly when I'm saying that, VHL do control about 6000 from 10500 Estates ?
Now, what is VHL ?
According to papers there's 4 members

Last I've heard from Craig is that, after Dawn have resigned from CEO, he didn't accept the offer to take office as CEO and left.
Last I've heard from Alex, "he's not a part" of a New Viva.
After Craig left, I've asked Dawn, whether she considers herself to be an acting director of VHL, meaning she'll be the one to sign the annual tax report, and whether VHL do have a CFO ?
She did not answer, so I had to assume the answer is No for both questions.

So, obviously, it puts yourself in the position of an dictator here. For any practical purpose VHL is you.
The system have proved itself to be not capable to function without you. Whether it can function with you might be still an open question ( and from my post you can see that I do not really belive it can )

However as long as everything relyes on you only there's no point to expect me to contribute in any way. I'm not here for "one man shows".
