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RE: 8/8/17 VIX volatility "mythical" $1000 trading account (part 2)

in #vix8 years ago

8/17/17 update: The VIX signaled short term buy yesterday after trading to a low of 11.54, the previous low was 11.45 the day before. I still wouldn't trust a VIX rally right now so I'm glad I stepped aside from a new SPY trade. I still like the SPY short to 143.18 but now I would "prefer" to see the last high get taken out first.

The VIX near the 11.50 area the past 2 days...where I said it "might" turn. Did it? let's find out...just for fun.


No balls no glory josephine glorious to watch joe with his pud in hand as uvxy rockets 8.50 great job dummfark!

Maybe ur trying to hard joe...slv 100% loss. Spy 100% loss. Nugt 100% wrong. Drys 100% wrong you just keep missing the ball whiff!

Damn have you checked yourself and your WTW....holy skid marks

Damn look at snap, snap your pencil