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RE: 8/8/17 VIX volatility "mythical" $1000 trading account (part 2)

in #vix8 years ago

8/29/17 12:48 PM EST: 1 PM "sell hour" rapidly approaching plus the VIX already signaled a short term buy here at the 11.84 LOD, plus Greg Mannarino says he went long the Q's. Need Isay more? :-) I'll use my $155 profit to buy 6 VIX $12 calls that expire tomorrow at .25 ea. Cost of trade is $150.00.


8/30/17 update: Not sure what the final price was on these VIX calls as I wasn't tracking pricing that closely until UVXY hits my sub $30 target. I will log the trade as a complete loss, leaving my VIX trading account with a $5 gain.