Speaking Good Words To People

in #vkbt27 days ago

It's not all words that are spoken. It's not always that should ever be said. I can tell you the story of some couples that put their own essence together to make sure that they have a better life, but things don't actually go as planned.
So what they devise this time was to always speak positive things to each other at all times when they do this. They noticed that their life became better.


So we've come to understand now that there is power in the tongue, as it is commonly said. Then if you say to each other over and over again for a long period of time, what you have said will become a reality and it is start taking places.
Either you like it or not. In the essence of time, if you are not careful even enough, what you have said into the atmosphere and into the person's life, we start taking effect.

It is not a gimmick, it is not magic. The word that you speak, they are power and they are life. So if you are capable of speaking something good to someone else, you should think about something that is genuinely true. Because even the Bible said that things that are true, things that are genuine, things that are right, that is what you should bundle upon.

So that is the same thing that you are supposed to see from your mouth. Things that are true and right, things that elevate, things that make people happy at all time. If you cannot say this is better to keep shut. Is what it is.