Lol ya’ll got me wrong! It’s my fault I gave the first example that came into my head which was the one everyone is focusing on. I made a new (talking head vlog 😂) to explain myself properly. I actually like these kind of videos if they’re bringing value such as videos from @clixmoney @pacific-yt @bobaphet & of course you. But because they take a lot less work to make compared to a travel vlog or short film there’s a lot of people that don’t care about content creation making them to buck the system (not the guys I mentioned) and these are the kind of people I think we can do without. I know lots of people that make talking head style videos that are passionate about it, they wouldn’t keep doing it otherwise.
I watched @enjoyinglife ‘s video and whilst I like the advice he’s giving to newcomers it’s exactly the kind of advice they need great stuff, I don’t agree that making videos in a toilet is ok on a site that’s supposed to be for video creation, that doesn’t encourage any kind of growth at all. Everyone has to start somewhere that is a fact and i myself am far from being a great creator but I constantly level up and get better. If this site wants to rival other social media which is what everyone keeps saying then it needs to become a serious contender. Decentralization doesn’t meaning losing the quality of a site it’s about how the site is structured, any video site needs good videos the same as any blogging site needs good writers.
Improving and making great stuff is entirely down to everyone individually, and I don’t mean we all have to become the next Steven Spielberg. But people need to have the right attitude, not the make a quick buck and forget about the quality or this site we all love will perish.
Thanks for the video response 😀
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Thank you for clarifying yourself hehe, well, I do love content that sparks discussion and engagement and that was definitely one of them. I have to agree on quality retention, I think we owe it to ourselves to do better in terms of quality in order to set the bar high for new comers. Great Input.
See there we go I pushed us all to think about something 😀😀
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