thanks for doing this video @dontstopmenow . It's a really tough subject for so many people. And first let me say that you look great Bruno.
I have long suffered with an obsession over my hairloss. It started when I was 21 and back in my time nobody has a shaved head and the only famous person that was bald was Kojak.
It wasn't until Patrick Steward of Star Trek the Next Generation was on tv that a bald guy was cool. Then once Michael Jordan shaved his balding head did it finally become acceptable.
I've been hanging on to my hair for dear life and I think about it constantly. I still have hair but it is very thin in the front and a bald spot in the back. To make it worse my hair is dark and won't seem to turn gray.
I actually went to my barber and asked if we could die it gray and he said no because I would have black roots. Gray hair looks fuller than dark brown and since I'm 50 people think I color my hair.
Anyway you are not alone. i'm a man who is way way way too concerned over losing my hair and I'm also very short. You are way ahead of me in the fact that you shaved your head. I think i'm not too far away from the day that I too will do that. But, since you look so good, I think there may be some hope for me too.