IS IT A CONTRADICTION THAT YOU MUST BE SMALL to be great? It is not a contradiction if you understand its meaning. Recognizing your limitations allows you to work in a limited context very successfully. This demonstrates a greater reality than you could have realized before. Your greatness must not be based merely on hope or high expectation. It must not be founded on idealism but on true experience. Allow yourself to be small, and you will experience that greatness is with you and that greatness is part of you.
IN YOUR TWO PRACTICE PERIODS TODAY, allow yourself to be limited but without judgment. There is no condemnation. Actively engage your mind in focusing on your limitations. Focus without condemnation. Look objectively. You are meant to be a vehicle for a Greater Reality to express itself in this world. Your vehicle for expression is quite limited, but it is fully adequate to accomplish the task that is yours to accomplish. In accepting its limitations, you can understand its mechanism and learn to work with it constructively. Then it is no longer a limitation but a form of joyful expression for you.
Practice 46: Two 15-minute practice periods.
Step #46: I must be small to be Great.
- If you see little children acting in detrimental ways to themselves and others, simply going to them as an adult and tell them to not act that way anymore won't solve anything, it may even make the situation worse. But going to them in an Understanding manner, explaining WHY they shouldn't act like that anymore from the same level of they're experience and limited understanding, then they will listen, or perhaps continue and reap the results of those action and then Understand WHY you tried to help.

"In all examples of duality there is actually One force, the same form of Energy, just the two extremes of it."
- In order to recognize the hights of Love we must experience the lows of Love.
In order to Recognize Richness we must experience poorness.
In order to Recognize Abundance we must Know lack.
In all examples of duality there is actually One force, the same form of Energy, just the two extremes of it.
Former Steps
#7 - Steps to Knowledge - REVIEW (WEEK #1)
#14 - Steps to Knowledge - REVIEW (WEEK #1 - #2)
#21 - Steps to Knowledge - REVIEW (WEEK #3)
#28 - Steps to Knowledge - REVIEW (WEEK #4)
#35 - Steps to Knowledge - REVIEW for Week #5
#36 - My life is a mystery to explore.
#37 - There is a way to Knowledge.
#38 - God knows the way to Knowledge.
#39 - The Power of God is with me.
#40 - Today I will feel the Power of God.
#41 - I am not afraid of the Power of God.
#42 - Steps to Knowledge: REVIEW for Week #6
#44 - I wish to Know my own Strength.
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