FUNNY BABY & TODDLER KISSES | ReasonsToSmile | January 2021

in #vlog4 years ago

Here's what we were up to in January 2021. I'm slowly catching up, it's so fun looking back at these memories when editing!

Welcome back to our family and daily real life with fraternal infant twins in social isolation from this crazy pandemic! Day in the life of a mom with a toddler & newborn twins and it gets crazy. He helps with bottle feeding and changes. He can't get enough of them, always cuddling and snuggling them. It's so precious capturing these amazing memories when they're so small. I share with you our daily life in social isolation. All the fun we have and cute moments that happen during this corona virus / covid-19 pandemic. This vlog we Sophie is learning to pull herself up and stand. The twins finally start solid foods for baby lead weaning! Jackson gives Franklin too many kisses to handle. Started sleep training the twins, which is rough on us all. It's finally the new year! We have survived 2020!
FUNNY BABY & TODDLER KISSES | ReasonsToSmile | January 2021

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