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RE: Road to 100000 Steem Power & Self-Improvement Log Day 148

in #vlog7 years ago

You never know maybe your friend is getting sick (I get fatigued when I'm sick) or something is going on in his life, I'm not trying to make excuses for the man though. I like that you will give him more chances to prove to you he is worth your time everyone deserves the in my opinion. But you are right you can only try so much with someone before you have to just say fuck it. on a second note that new banner is awesome it tuned out well the second time that's great branding for your videos. I actually use redbubble and find they are really reasonable I plan to use them to make some things for branding my channel I'm just not set on a design yet.


Good comment Tippy, I actually haven't thought about the wall tapestry as "branding" which is damn cool. Now it has an additional purpose!

Yeah, I think its great people will see it in the thumbnails in your indoor vlogs I know it caught my eye. I thought that's different from his usual thumbnail. Now I know when I see the wall tapestry I will know that's valorforfreedoms video along with the border and the other things you have talked about in your steemschool episode about the templates. Also if you don't mind what type of flag is the wall tapestry I don't think I was spelling it correctly I would like to read up about it. I actually have some Scandinavian in my DNA on the one side of my family I was reading up about Ásatrú a while back but never heard about Odinism until I started watching your videos. That's part of the reason why I subbed to your channel along with the tips for newcomers. Vikings the tv show actually peaked my interest in Norse religion.

Glad to hear that.

The symbol in the middle of the flag is the Valknut, nobody knows its actual meaning. I have heard that it is used to summon Valkyrie. My personal guess is that it is the symbol of Odin and his brothers (Odin, Vili, Ve). You can by the way see the number 3 and 9 a lot in norse mythology.

Around that symbol are all the runes and 3 birds.

3 birds makes no sense as Odin had two crows, however, it fits the "3" pattern very well and just looks good, they also form a Mjolnir.

The 9 noble virtues make you a strong and honorable man, however, you must be careful when you apply those because we are living in the modern age.

For example truth, be careful with that, heroes end up behind bars in our age.

Vikings lived a very pure life close with nature and they have awesome traditions which Christanity stole.

For example Christmas. Christmas is actually "Yuletide", and the christmas tree is actually Yggdrasil the world tree.

I suggest you start reading the Prose and Poetic Edda to get started with Norse Mythology.

Hey, valorforfreedom thank you for all the information you gave me in your last comment you are a very knowledgeable man. I like your interpretation of the Valknut, to me, this makes sense to since there are three triangles.
I took your advise and purchased the Prose and Poetic Edda and i also purchased a book called A Little Bit of Runes: An Introduction to Norse Divination to study for better understanding of the runes and their meaning. They should be here in one to four days. I will have to look into literature about the nine noble virtues as well.
You are right about the Viking being pure and close to nature. a lot of people have a false belief that they were all dirty people or just raiders. When, in reality, they actually liked to be clean and look nice and had well established trade routes instead of just raiding. They had all kinds of great traditions and a very interesting culter. they were very intelligent understanding how to make boats that could take the sea but also be rowed up rivers and they were great navigators. I think one of my favourite facts is that they discovered North America long before Columbus I find that cool because I'm from Canada.

Glad to hear that you want to know more about your ancestors. I suggest you join the SteemSchool discord server, there we can talk about Norse religion.