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RE: THOUSAND OAKS' RIDICULOUS 36 - A day and a half to be remembered.

in #vlog6 years ago

Yeah dude it definitely is surreal, I ended up having to drive for my life trying to get out of the zone where the fire was crossing the highway before I got stuck in there on my way home on vacation. I wish I was into recording videos back then that would’ve been some awesome drifting footage driving through the flames at points, good on you for having the clarity of mind to whip out your camera that says a lot on it’s own.

Make certain you take good care of your lungs if out doors, a wet face mask/cloth works the best!

Posted using Partiko iOS


I can imagine... a few people have lost their lives trying to flee in Malibu. This fire is crazy. It happened slowly, until it wasn't, if that makes sense. I missed a few stunning shots...because I was stunned.

Posted using Partiko Android

Definitely can get serious quick, we were fairly lucky as the evacuation started earlier enough there were very few fatalities.

That’s the really scary part, It starts as a slow moving smoke plume but once you start to see flames you know it’s picked up enough momentum to cover ground quicker than you can run on foot! All it takes is a slight change in wind and previous evacuation paths can be cut off in minutes, then you get the crazy lightning storms caused by the fire itself starting even more fires elsewhere quickly it can get out of hand.

Takes a lot of nerve to do what those firefighters do even to think of recording is pretty amazing, tons of respect for the individuals risking their lives!

Posted using Partiko iOS