One Yeti's Perspective 2-9-18: Chaos

in #vlog7 years ago (edited)


I wanted to take a step further than the last videos.

The idea of chaos. I know this sounds extreme, but I don't think it is. When something different is introduced into an environment and it causes something to change. For "better" or "not" is subjective.

This something could be as simple as us, just asking questions. Eventually we ask the "right" questions

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Nice for @papa-pepper to help out with the chaos! lol I have always a person who questions everything. I think I drove my parents and teachers crazy with the questions. I still do lots of research to find answers for my questioning mind...Chaos happens. It is how we deal with it that is important.

Right! Does chaos always happen to us or can we be the chaos in the situation. Enlightenment comes when we turn compulsive thought into conscious decision!

Chaos inserted itself into your video in the form of the guy in the background making a racket. Good video anyway!

It sure did!

I don't know what the message of the guy behind you was supposed to be, but he was funny. :-)

Thank you. It was a wink to a bit of steemit chaos. I look at something different. You will know monday. I interviewed the guy and will put it out monday.

I figured you were "introducing some chaos" back there. :-)

BTW - I spent a number of years questioning where the Bible came from, its structure and whether it has been changed too much to trust. After a number of years of reading, searching and contemplating, I came to the conclusion that, if I could not trust God's promise to preserve His message to me infallibly, I could not believe He exists at all. That is not to say there are corrupted Bibles. The majority are. But there is Bible that is without error available to this generation. It's the only one I use.

Right! I can see where you are. When I started to question the bible it was kind of the same but a little different.
Once I learned abiut hiw it was first canonized and then 1500 years later had several books removed that were no longer "mission critical" it made it clear to me that Gods word is truth and he has infact given use His word that is eternal...not written down, But Jesus, Yeshua. In John 1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God". This shows uswith the uppercase W that the Word is God eternal. If that is the case we would say Jesus is the Word, our salvation through Jesus is salvation through Gods Word. The bible is certainly devinely inspired, but is always subject to mans nature. The gospel, the good news never changes, with or without the written text. The bible is referred to as a sword, but most times we only injure other believers when we swing it.
Once I had that revelation in my life my faith grew in God and his Word.

If you are correct, then there is never a cornerstone from which to build. It is always moveable based on wherever and individual wishes to place it.
The good new must be a written text or it can never be a preserved truth.
This, of course, coming from a person who believes God always creates order rather than chaos. :-) :-)

Haha well played! The difference might be "to build from". If we think of the early church and what they had. They had Torah, and other now old testament books, but they didn't have M,M,L and J. Those came later and were circulated later still. They didn't have the NT, haha they were living the NT. I think as we get excited about what church to build we should remember the church Jesus taught in and against. If we focus on simply building an organization to preserve it would be a museum, and how can we grow from there. Museums could be a place to remember cultures that have passed. I truly believe we can have order and truth without our current modern structure. "Lifted me from the mirey clay, put my feet upon the rock and now I know" I think about 2 Chron. 7:14. If we are to seek His face and turn from our wicked ways, coundn't that resemble order? 🙃

That would be order. The NT believer did have the Torah. But they also recognized the writings of, for instance, Paul, as equally Scripture.
BTW, I am traveling to preach at a conference this weekend. Won't be able to respond again until Tuesday or Wednesday.

I love the discussions going on after this video. This is what we all need more of open and honest discussion of Gods Word and our perspectives. I truly believe it is an amazing way to test what you really believe and help sharpen others. Great job.

I thought you might enjoy some different perspectives. God is so big and can we wrap our mund around the whole idea.

Expectation management. I just had a convo about this yesterday with my team. Challenging the status quo is what makes everyone around us (including ourselves) grow!

Right! The challenge is important. Like trees blowing in the wind. If they didn't have something pushing them they wouldn't be as strong!

Shoot him! He's coming right for us!

Right! That was a little chaos in a bunch of different situations! Who was that guy haha

Nothing changes until something changes.

True story. Sometimes we have to be the change.

It's become harder to be an introducer of chaos through questioning because society has become so sensitive and perceives curiosity as an attack, rather that a thought provoking exercise. Science and culture progress when we are able to consider options outside the norm, but today such thinking is met with accusation and labeling. I fear we have entered an era of the status quo, which can only be shaped by those with power.

Right! I agree. It is harder to challenge an idea because there are people ready to point out that you are different and wrong. Even little ideas. If we surround ourselves with like minded, non challenging individuals, there is no growth.

It is so frustrating. In my circle of companions growing up, I was always the devil's advocate. It was just part of the group's acceptance that I would likely challenge most anything, whether due to serious opposition or just for the mental exercise of exhausting alternatives. It was never personal, nor done to annoy, just to stimulate thought, and to prevent lazy decisions. I think we were all a pretty deep thought kinda crew. That was a long time ago.

I love it, for the mental exercise. Just a nice back and forth to not be lazy about decisions!

good post! ;)

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