your video made me smile this morning @nanzo-scoop. We humans are hilarious aren't we? I agree, most of the time we know our own answers, or know how to get them but we don't want to hear that. So, we think, that by asking someone else we might get a different answer that we like better.
Problem is when we get a different answer it will just lead us down the "wrong" path or we'll be back where we started or facing new challenges.
I've been doing this with cryptocurrency. Asking around and wanting someone to tell me exactly how to "do" it but there's no getting away from the fact that I just need to start with small amounts and learn along the way.
I don't have the patience to do a lot of research so that's the best approach for me. Follow those I respect and then have a go taking small risks while I learn.
Also, I've found that we often pursue paths that in our hearts we don't really want so, again we look to others who are on that path, thinking that they might motivate us to do stuff we don't really want to do.
For years I paid coaches to help me reach goals that in my heart I simple wasn't interested in. Not only bonkers but a huge waste of time and money too.
Hopefully I've learnd my lesson with that one but I've also been known to say that before! 😁 😁 😁