Dtube Vlog 47 - Outside Workout - New Front Lever Progression, cleaner Muscle Ups and much more

in #vlog7 years ago

What's up guys,

Today we got another outside workout in the fitness park.
I will show you my stretching routine, I tried to to the muscle ups with less momentum and kipping, and I try a new front lever progression - The ice cream makers.
Sure it doesn't look perfect yet, but who can say this at the first try?

Furthermore I tried the human flag progression, some high pull ups, and the planche.

I hope that you enjoy my workout and get inspired a bit.

Stay fit and healthy guys,

Jason - Infinityroad

@dtube @dtubefitness

▶️ DTube

That planche is looking good! Also, its pretty funny that we do a lot of the same stretches for pole, like the arm thing against it, those kicks, the wrist thing haha all the things :P have you ever tried poling?

Sehr beeindruckend - Hut ab! - Ich wär schon froh, wenn ich einen einfachen Klimmzug hinbekäme.

Deine Videos geben einem nicht nur Motivation sondern lassen einen auch einen verzweifeln xD Gib mal paar Tips wie man diese Sportausdauer entwickeln kann?

Beeindruckend Deine Power - die Beats mag ich auch!! ;-)

You's improved the back lever. Congratulations!

You are strong bra ;) Life must be easy with such a strong core :P