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RE: Please just put things into perspective | DTube Vlog

in #vlog7 years ago

Earnings on posts are valued in Dollars against SBD. SBD drops, it drops. You get?

As the regards perspectives, especially here on Steemit, the bug is so rampant. The clamour for upvotes & fat earnings, etc! I'm on the verge of putting up a video about this Paul.



I did a dtube video about 7 days ago, got an upvote that shot the payout to over $400, then I see peeps that normally wouldn't comment nor follow me clutter around, commenting, up voting and even following. I did better posts, but 'cos of the "small earnings" they ignore. Why? Same perspectives fussy!

So the money on your post will go down after 7 days based on how the strength of the Steem Dollar changed? That's interesting.

Also I think to be fair post that get a big upvote tend to get more attention because the upvote will cause it to be recommended. For example I saw that video of yours on my DTube homepage but never saw any of your others. But with that said it is true that people tend to pay more attention to post if they have a lot of likes or views on it. Don't know why that is, maybe just human nature that we go with the pack

Human nature it is Paul!