
Is funny how I've been programmed to do nothing during dips. I'm like Gollum with my precious

yap its bitcion time started now and its giong up andup in the sky and soon will be on peak..

Yeah it was so scary early February when I woke and saw the crazy crash of all crypto. But I am smiling now that all are getting back up. I always believe in the way up is down

I really hope cryptovalue go up soon 😊

Hey @mrviquez,
They most important thing while trading is always to chill, you never should get stressed! If you trade to emotional it's very hard to make profit.
Enjoyed your video :)

My network wouldn't let me view the video but I can tell you I am one of the many that get scared at times whenever the market falls a bit

Gotta hold on to that special sauce! Keep the recipe safe

Yea we keep seeing it every time bro...these downswings are just buy in opportunities. Folks gotta realize these bear markets have to happen for organic growth. Sucks for those who sold their position...

get it BTC!

So true. HODL as much as you can. Don't let the dips and the tough times stress you out. Have faith and you'll see the rewards.
Nothing worthwhile comes easy.