Its only a matter of time before more YouTubers discover and the potential it has. The development has been moving along very well and that's great to see.. I think right now they are really waiting for the implementation of SMTs into the Steem blockchain. SMTs will allow them to do all kinds of things that are still not possible right now. I am really looking forward to exploring the possibilities that SMTs hold for all of us on this blockchain.
Agreed - I have a friend who's an established stand up comic and creates a variety of high quality comedy content and I've been trying to get him to migrate it over piecemeal to dtube while working on new OC and releasing it on a first on Steemit/dtube basis. It's funny to me how hesitant he is - but I'm gonna keep on him about it. For the video content creator there's zero downside - worst case you're just doubling your exposure.
Yeah, I feel like for 'right now' it's best to post to youtube then embed to a Steemit post, so you can potentially double dip on the monetisation, without paying the DTube author fee, but there'll ultimately be this tipping point where enough users are regularly hitting up DTube for more video content that it will be worthwhile just to post to that platform.
Definitely seems like the team behind Dtube are going to be able to tackle any challenges that could threaten their growth.
I'm sorry to drop this in a comment section of someone else's blog but steemit doesn't have an official chat. I'll keep this quick. I'm trying to increase the amount of humorous content on steemit. It is the most popular tag on reddit and most other social media. There is a small group of very funny people who post a lot of really quick original memes and gifs. I was rewarding them as much as I could. I lost my delegation and I'm looking to keep the project going. I do a daily post called "What's so funny?" including all of the funniest content I find that day. If you have any interest in helping this to grow, please check out my blog and see if it makes you laugh and if you'd like to see it continue. If you would, I could use some delegation to help encourage them to keep going and to find more authors.
I'm on steemit chat if you are interested in chatting.
yeah with youtube doing more restriction and setting the bar higher for content creators the push factor is only gonna get stronger. It would be awesome if steemit and dtube content can somehow get listed on search engine query but well it's back to google again.
Agree! I am a YouTuberand have a good size following and I am still growing but I need something else so all of my eggs aren't in one basket so I am glad I found Dtube I just started uploading here and its nice so far!
YouTube is becoming as bad as Twitter with it's censoring of content they do not agree with (political or otherwise). I hope Dtube can really put a hurting on YouTube!
YouTube is running adds on the videos they have demonetized. So, it's not that they think the content is not worthy for adds, just that they don't see any need to share ANYTHING with the creators.
I was just thinking the other day that I should start a YouTube channel and hopefully earn a little from it. Bummer. I feel bad for those who did put much effort into building a side income and now might not have it at all.
Würde ich nicht tun, es ist zwar schade, dass davor keine Werbung kommt, aber es sind eben deine Werke und man sollte sie auf keinen Fall wegen Geld zerstören...
youtube empowers flag abuse, slander and censorship against anyone who does not promote their rabid feminist & SJW agenda. I will be using other platforms, but may use multiple isolated stooge accounts to host the video for embedding on my own website.
e.g. This particular video shows their inept shadow ban of my comments which also happened on my own videos. Here it is hosted using an incognita account not linked to my main.
Dtube is a great idea, and has been making great strides, but they won't break through, unless some major performance issues take place, and some basic features (which youtube has) come to fruition.
Dtube runs terrible on any OS running Safari. Fails constantly, so unless you specifically open another browser to upload content, it's a pain. Also the performance is very lackluster; videos take forever to load, or don't load at all.
Another main feature holding Dtube back; lack of proper imbedding. You end up with a minnature thumbnail that people don't even know to click, and then it RE-DIRECTS. Most people don't want to leave the site in which they are browsing. A lack of functioning embedded player, I think, would be the first thing they come out with in the next update. Maybe they are doing this to cut down bandwidth cost.
I fully support Dtube, but it has a long way to go, and hopefully it gets there.
I'm glad you have thought about this more that a moment. I am of course in steem and wish to promote it as we all benefit from building our community.
That said dtube does have some massive competition, Google has the best infrastructure, as much as we love this software it needs to be run on someone's computers. While they have global distribution of deticated server facilities and engineering teams.
Steem has to also build these kinds of relationships between people in order to compete with the Salery's corporations can offer. I think would have to pay for servers. IPFS is awesome but it's not quite at the same scale as YouTube.
While their demonetization is going to drive their demise we still have so far to go, I hope to contribute to the network by purchaseingg computers and earning crypto to host services! Like a good that lays golden eggs! Though a considerable investment it could eventually provide enough to provide for yourself and others too!
What if with @imlikett and you we run a campaign over here where all the funding goes to buy server space, I live in switzerland and hosting over here is quite competitive, though it does not matter where but rather a cheap and fast place. I know a server rack could go up to 300K but if some whales would support the cause we will do so much money.
I think it's important that we all support Dtube, so that it can get to its "final form". I think the concept is great, but also still rather young. So of course they need people to test the service in order to work on the functionality and other aspects of it.
I basically see it just as steemit: It is a beta. It is like testing out a game and reporting things that you think are missing or reporting bugs (for example the problem with the embedded player you mentioned). I think that our feedback is the most valuable for the developers.
And as of now I think they will take into account what we say. Because they care, or at least that is how I see it.
Agree - YouTube is destroying the niche market. Personalized content is going to be more and more important in the future. In addition to decentralizing the platform it is important to decentralize the content.
I have tried to post my content on @dtube but it never gets any views, I think Dtube just like steemit has a discovery problem. It is REALLY hard to find people that are not already popular.
Yap I was thinking the same, like if all the famous instagramers and then all the famous youtubers come to steem, then where is the benefit for the rest who are trying hard to be noticed? I would like to see a community not that focused in money and popularity, I still want a place to share deeper thoughts in many areas rather than people doing stupid things for likes.
I've no doubt that 'deeper' content will have it's own niche in Steemit. However on platform is not going to stop pop culture taking a disproportionate slice of the pie.
Indeed, as long we have a balance in the community and do not forget what was the idea behind steem, I think we could all live peacefully next to each other.
DTube and Steemit both improve discovery and initiative live Steemit Communities could help with that. However as with any creative endeavour half of the challenge is finding ways to reach your audience. Steemit/ DTube won't change that however it will offer more opportunities to smaller contributors than most other platforms.
Ive been on YouTube for about 8 months now, maybe 10. Their discovery is a little better but only because of SEO and suggested videos. Over that time I have about 3k subscribers. It isnt a lot but I am proud of it. I would love to do something on DTube but I dont think my content interests anyone so I have just been sticking to my photography on here that has been doing pretty well for me. I do think DTube can be a huge platform and I could love to create anything but I just dont know what I could do. It seems like people in to cryptos are popular but that isnt something I know a whole lot about.
Only thing it worries me honestly is that whales are already taking huge pieces of the pie, but I trust on the Witnesses system and I see a nice future for the platform if managed correctly.
The more youtube creates policies that punish creators the bigger opportunity is created for those on Steem. Youtube makes it seem like they are giving you some gift by allowing you to monetize as if they aren't keeping a majority of the proceeds.
Steem and dTube are revolutionary and are returning the power of creating content to the creators. Thank you for the information and your opinion on this matter. We need more people like you to help spread the word of Steem and dTube.
There is still one thing about DTube that few users are paying attention to. DTube reward system. While after (which is quite impossible for most content creators to reach 10k lifetime views on their YouTube channel plus 4k hours of watched time on their video (in the preceding 12 months) and still a 1000 subscribers) after reaching that milestones the content creator is able to monetize forever as it's content get more and more views. On DTube by the present reward system after 30 days, it does not matter how many more people watch your videos, you will never get paid again.
Good point however it would be good to analysis the 'long tail' on Youtube videos and see just how much comes from views in the first week and how much revenue is generated from later views.
I do think that the rewards system will heavily dictate the type of content uploaded to dTube. E.g. I can see it being a popular place for Topical videos not so popular for things like music videos.
great point. People are starting to realize they don't want someone else to filter the world for them, handle their money, or control their personal lives. Platforms are by people and should be for people.
I do think dtube is the future, however I got quite frustrated with the upload process. Many times my videos wouldn't load after multiple times trying them. Also, often when I go to click on vids they don't work (your one does).
I so want it to succeed, I hope he gets more help and investment to make the channel awesome :-
He absolutely has done a fantastic job and I don't want to put down his efforts in any way, it's just if it is to grow, he needs help. Imagine if it gets to a tenth of Youtubes users and views? That will require some major maintenance and upgrades.
I will give it another go, because I do love having an alternative, and just trying to do what I was doing before and post on both until dtube becomes dominant! :-)
what google should understand is that no one remains monopoly forever. Nokia tried it, Blackberry tried it, Motorolla etc, look at where it got them. until all these hi-tech companies realize that decentralization is the concentration of power, they too will soon go down the memory lane as part of those companies that rejected change and got kicked out.
As someone who worked hard to cross the last threshold for monetization only to have their account pushed back under the bar, twice, I'm looking forward to building an identity here on Steemit and DTube.
Here I know that you all have a voice about what you like and don't and the up-votes are honest reflections of interest and appreciation.
This is the second time my channels have been demonetized...hell, I just got my main channel monetized 6 months ago. This is probably the final chapter as I don't see getting a 1,000 subs anytime soon. I usually get 100 per year. I'm sure YT will increase the requirements again long before I get close to this new requirement.
I guess there's inherent issues with all systems, users and stakeholders are conflated on steemit but at least there's a more direct way to address such issues here as opposed to within the corporate governance that goes on with a company like Youtube, which is owned by the even more massive Google. Let's change this platform for the better if we're making it a place to reside.
Youtube is cutting off the ability for everyone to make money for their content by limiting monetization to those that have a minimum number of views. The secret is is that Youtube will still make money off people's content that don't qualify and won't have to pay. It results in millions than billions in revenue
Youtube is creating a scam.
He's promoting dtube on youtube. Also, he is only against youtube parternership program. Thus, it's perfectly fine to have an embed video from youtube.
great seeing you man! Hope to really do great business with you in the future! thank you for all the prebious upvtes andhelping me get to wherei am!Wait so is this the face of Nanzo Scoop? Thats incredible so nanzo is british? It all makes sense now! hah Im getting a friend @misterdom onto steem and making some funny meme videos, 9coming from Dmania) ad now i find your very incredibly eloquent dtube video and I find myslf having to make a LOT of decisions about all the work i see piled up in frontof me, GOOD work, i feellike i can employ thousands of employees, happy employees! we should start planning for this future!
This is likely less to do with Logan Paul, and more to due with the previous adpocalypse issues that have occurred in the past year. Primarily due to advertisers complaining that their content was served next to controversial or offensive content in my opinion.
This is a direct way of drastically limiting the amount of content that they have to have a human manually review.
Unfortunately I am one of these small time Youtube content producers that will be effected.
The paul incident, i believe, compounded the problem. Really it heightened the negative media perception of youtube but they were already planning this second wave. Take a look at who is on the youtube censor boards, the activists against "hate speech" in gamergate are the main gatekeepers of the platfrom now. Providing policy changes which effect the platform.
Fvk Logan Paul. The amount of time people spend watching mind-numbing videos like his boggles my mind. This is why human society is gonna get overtaken by bots. We're becoming mindless consumption machines that provide no value to the universe.
Technically, microinfluencers are the shit now. All marketers want micro influencers now anyway, not huge wales like Jake Paul so you got that going for you
These changes by Youtube have probably been the works for at least six months and the Logan Paul incident has given them a great excuse to release the changes now. I saw a news video on Youtube by Tim Poole who believes that if you include all of details needed it will remove about 95% of channels from the partner program.
These changes are basically the end of new channels entering Youtube and earning themselves just a few dollars.
He posted a video about finding a dead body in a Japanese forest...a forest known for suicides. He claimed it was suicide prevention but that was total BS and YT removed the video and him from their preferred list or what ever. I'm not sure if that is what YT is doing what their doing though. One person mentioned it was to get rid of new channels coming in and steeling their content and making BS videos for money with it. Who knows.
At the start of the year, he went to the suicide woods in Japan and filmed a dead body of a man who killed himself and uploaded it to YouTube. People say he was poking fun at the victim. A lot of people were pissed YouTube demonetizes their videos but allow this BS
It is interesting how much people still watch peoples videos just for pure shock value. Just watching is supporting. It would be far better if the community just didn't view content like his, rather than having youtube make changes that hurt other users.
The way youtube is going, people will have to shift to dtube and this will give a boost to steem token,so right now my only pick is to buy steem and powerup.
Well, I mean his value would be decreased if people would flag his content, wouldn't it? So we could actively do something against people like him.
I am not familiar with the specifics, but isn't a "thumbs down" on youtube still an engagement from your community, thus helping you? I think on dtube it would be different!
At least that's how I understood it! Correct me if I am wrong, please :)
The key point is dtube/ steemit is decentralised. Sure people can try to game the system however I'm sure as the platforms grow and improve I'm confident we will also develop measures to effectively combat people that try to game rewards. I've spoken in previous videos about how Communities, for example, can be used to aid in this.
Not in the short term, but who knows over time. Besides DTube may end up being the precursor to some other, bigger decentralised Video Sharing solution that rewards content creators.
As a small youtube this has me so upset. I made at least $100-200 a year. Yeah that isn’t much but it’s still like a hey thanks for uploading and here is your cut. I can’t wait for another coming to come and compete with YouTube so that we have a better platform that cares about the creators over the advertisers
Actually, this is the last breath of YouTube; YouTube is dying softly. DTube and Dlive on Steem Blockchain are the video tube for our generation. Big shout out to @dlive and @dtube. You are the video tubes for live.
Right on man! I'm in the screwed category. I'm not a bad actor. I only made gaming videos and I earned less than $100 year. I don't see why they couldn't continue to pay it. I have my own take on the whole mess everyone can read about @
I woke up to that message this morning :)
I wasn't surprised to be honest. YouTube has been heading that direction for a while now. It's all about the big players and celebrities now. The user base that built the platform are not valued as much any more.
Dtube is the new way! But I hope people who are in it for creating content and not for the money still decide to post to Youtube because we could really reclaim it within the community if we wanted to. Youtube would be nothing without its smaller content creators
You Tube will be nothing but huge bland channels and tutorials. You Tube is a sinking ship, I’m getting as many people as possible to move into the Steemit eco system
I am thankful for a platform like Dtube, Im sure there will be arguments over censorship and sensitive content. I think if one wants to not see disturbing things they should turn on their own filters that filter unwanted content out. Does that exist yet (if not its a bomb idea for Devs)? the internet is the best way to share the human story and it should not be censored but filtered. I mean come on it not like people stop making disturbing/nsfw content they will just find another avenue. I look forward to seeing dtube grow and see how this experiment in decentralization works in the long run. Im not sure Steemit or Dtube will be sustainable for 10-15+ years but then again I am not an expert on the technology yet so idk (but i hope im wrong).
yes, youtube makes it difiicult, facebook too.. when you have to pay for showing your content ... its oposit what we have here.. but thats better for us and it brings more users :)
@nanzo-scoop I think dtube will make waves soon. A lot of people will be pissed with YouTube soon because this rules...i think I'll use dtube soon to know how it works... thanks for sharing
What YouTube is doing with all the restrictions is completely awful for all the people that are trying to earn some sort of income making videos on YouTube. They are basically dooming themselves in the long run. While DTube is growing rapidly, YouTube doesn't seem to care about the users at all. It's time people open their eyes and come to hangout in the blockchain!
I has made very aggresive ad-video in polish language,but youtube didn't recorded my livestream so i did it again but shorter,now i'm creating group on FB.
I'm glad I didn't start trying to build a youtube community. When I found Steemit and then eventually Dtube I knew it was my chance to build a community with little to no hinderance to the creative process.
This is literally youtubes way of saying 'hey you're a small youtuber, you mean nothing to us. I am affected by this and yeah I dont make a lot of money on youtube. And i'm ok with that. Why this has gotten me down so much is because when youre video isnt monitised, youtube suggest or recommend your videos as easy, affecting views. this is what upsets me and really is beginning to push me away completely from youtube.
Youtube is making it extremely difficult for new YouTuber and existing subscriber to enjoy the platform
I think they are beginning to feel non-challant about members, its good riddance because dtube has better to offer, so all i can say to them now is rip
Youtube has been a long standing model in an online view industry, trying to demonitize due to one person missappropriate act shows there weren't punishable structure for individual wrong act. Dtube being a strong competitor with the standardize seemit, will not only work on the ineffiency but take over the market in due time
I'm really glad I joined Steem a week ago and i landed to your video. I was planning to make videos on Youtube, based on your advice I would stick to Dtube. Thank You.
Ich sag mal so die 10000 Aufrufe zu erreichen ist jetzt nicht so das Problem aber das was sie jetzt gemacht haben geht garnicht...
I have translate with Google my english isn´t so good:
I'll say that reaching the 10,000 views is not the problem, but what they've done now is not ...
Not much of a vlog person, although the amount of YouTube I do consume is ridiculous, mainly for educational purposes. At least there are options now to look nowadays. Never really picked up the blog/vlog thing as I was too busy with the real world. May reconsider that stance assuming I have something great and of value to share with the world lol.
Its only a matter of time before more YouTubers discover and the potential it has. The development has been moving along very well and that's great to see.. I think right now they are really waiting for the implementation of SMTs into the Steem blockchain. SMTs will allow them to do all kinds of things that are still not possible right now. I am really looking forward to exploring the possibilities that SMTs hold for all of us on this blockchain.
@thejohalfiles Yes, this will kill Youtube, you are correct. has lot of potential but by the time people realize it, it would be late!
i discovered this a few days ago and started to upload a few videos here, i think its a great idea!
Agreed - I have a friend who's an established stand up comic and creates a variety of high quality comedy content and I've been trying to get him to migrate it over piecemeal to dtube while working on new OC and releasing it on a first on Steemit/dtube basis. It's funny to me how hesitant he is - but I'm gonna keep on him about it. For the video content creator there's zero downside - worst case you're just doubling your exposure.
Yeah, I feel like for 'right now' it's best to post to youtube then embed to a Steemit post, so you can potentially double dip on the monetisation, without paying the DTube author fee, but there'll ultimately be this tipping point where enough users are regularly hitting up DTube for more video content that it will be worthwhile just to post to that platform.
Definitely seems like the team behind Dtube are going to be able to tackle any challenges that could threaten their growth.
I'm sorry to drop this in a comment section of someone else's blog but steemit doesn't have an official chat. I'll keep this quick. I'm trying to increase the amount of humorous content on steemit. It is the most popular tag on reddit and most other social media. There is a small group of very funny people who post a lot of really quick original memes and gifs. I was rewarding them as much as I could. I lost my delegation and I'm looking to keep the project going. I do a daily post called "What's so funny?" including all of the funniest content I find that day. If you have any interest in helping this to grow, please check out my blog and see if it makes you laugh and if you'd like to see it continue. If you would, I could use some delegation to help encourage them to keep going and to find more authors.
I'm on steemit chat if you are interested in chatting.
If not, thank you for your time.
yeah with youtube doing more restriction and setting the bar higher for content creators the push factor is only gonna get stronger. It would be awesome if steemit and dtube content can somehow get listed on search engine query but well it's back to google again.
Agree! I am a YouTuberand have a good size following and I am still growing but I need something else so all of my eggs aren't in one basket so I am glad I found Dtube I just started uploading here and its nice so far!
YouTube is becoming as bad as Twitter with it's censoring of content they do not agree with (political or otherwise). I hope Dtube can really put a hurting on YouTube!
YouTube is running adds on the videos they have demonetized. So, it's not that they think the content is not worthy for adds, just that they don't see any need to share ANYTHING with the creators.
And they also run ads below the player that you can't remove at all.
For real? That's underhanded.
Yes, they run ads on the videos that they demonetized, and keep all the money themselves.
Stupidest thing I've ever heard! Luckily I'm not the guy to start a youtube channel ;)
I was just thinking the other day that I should start a YouTube channel and hopefully earn a little from it. Bummer. I feel bad for those who did put much effort into building a side income and now might not have it at all.
i am one of those poor guys... this is so unfair...
really ? I didn't know though... btw I am about to upload a music of mine there on you tube.... but this really scares me..wth....
dtube great
I totally agree with you, DTube will take over youtube, or let us at least hope so!
great minds think alike, agreed, Dtube rocks
I will be removing all my content when they demonetize me and closing my account.

Würde ich nicht tun, es ist zwar schade, dass davor keine Werbung kommt, aber es sind eben deine Werke und man sollte sie auf keinen Fall wegen Geld zerstören...
youtube empowers flag abuse, slander and censorship against anyone who does not promote their rabid feminist & SJW agenda. I will be using other platforms, but may use multiple isolated stooge accounts to host the video for embedding on my own website.
e.g. This particular video shows their inept shadow ban of my comments which also happened on my own videos. Here it is hosted using an incognita account not linked to my main.
Wow thats serious
Youtube keeps scamming their source of income
i changed to demonetize my complete channel...
dtube upload video faster and faster
Dtube is a great idea, and has been making great strides, but they won't break through, unless some major performance issues take place, and some basic features (which youtube has) come to fruition.
Dtube runs terrible on any OS running Safari. Fails constantly, so unless you specifically open another browser to upload content, it's a pain. Also the performance is very lackluster; videos take forever to load, or don't load at all.
Another main feature holding Dtube back; lack of proper imbedding. You end up with a minnature thumbnail that people don't even know to click, and then it RE-DIRECTS. Most people don't want to leave the site in which they are browsing. A lack of functioning embedded player, I think, would be the first thing they come out with in the next update. Maybe they are doing this to cut down bandwidth cost.
I fully support Dtube, but it has a long way to go, and hopefully it gets there.
Give it time! Rome wasn't built in a day!
Or was it🤪
Most certainly was not
Agreed and hope Dtube can embed someday and improve and everything.
Me too!
I'm glad you have thought about this more that a moment. I am of course in steem and wish to promote it as we all benefit from building our community.
That said dtube does have some massive competition, Google has the best infrastructure, as much as we love this software it needs to be run on someone's computers. While they have global distribution of deticated server facilities and engineering teams.
Steem has to also build these kinds of relationships between people in order to compete with the Salery's corporations can offer. I think would have to pay for servers. IPFS is awesome but it's not quite at the same scale as YouTube.
While their demonetization is going to drive their demise we still have so far to go, I hope to contribute to the network by purchaseingg computers and earning crypto to host services! Like a good that lays golden eggs! Though a considerable investment it could eventually provide enough to provide for yourself and others too!
What if with @imlikett and you we run a campaign over here where all the funding goes to buy server space, I live in switzerland and hosting over here is quite competitive, though it does not matter where but rather a cheap and fast place. I know a server rack could go up to 300K but if some whales would support the cause we will do so much money.
Well said!
I think it's important that we all support Dtube, so that it can get to its "final form". I think the concept is great, but also still rather young. So of course they need people to test the service in order to work on the functionality and other aspects of it.
I basically see it just as steemit: It is a beta. It is like testing out a game and reporting things that you think are missing or reporting bugs (for example the problem with the embedded player you mentioned). I think that our feedback is the most valuable for the developers.
And as of now I think they will take into account what we say. Because they care, or at least that is how I see it.
These are all things that the creator of DTube said he is working on for the next update.
Agree - YouTube is destroying the niche market. Personalized content is going to be more and more important in the future. In addition to decentralizing the platform it is important to decentralize the content.
I have tried to post my content on @dtube but it never gets any views, I think Dtube just like steemit has a discovery problem. It is REALLY hard to find people that are not already popular.
Yap I was thinking the same, like if all the famous instagramers and then all the famous youtubers come to steem, then where is the benefit for the rest who are trying hard to be noticed? I would like to see a community not that focused in money and popularity, I still want a place to share deeper thoughts in many areas rather than people doing stupid things for likes.
I've no doubt that 'deeper' content will have it's own niche in Steemit. However on platform is not going to stop pop culture taking a disproportionate slice of the pie.
Indeed, as long we have a balance in the community and do not forget what was the idea behind steem, I think we could all live peacefully next to each other.
DTube and Steemit both improve discovery and initiative live Steemit Communities could help with that. However as with any creative endeavour half of the challenge is finding ways to reach your audience. Steemit/ DTube won't change that however it will offer more opportunities to smaller contributors than most other platforms.
Ive been on YouTube for about 8 months now, maybe 10. Their discovery is a little better but only because of SEO and suggested videos. Over that time I have about 3k subscribers. It isnt a lot but I am proud of it. I would love to do something on DTube but I dont think my content interests anyone so I have just been sticking to my photography on here that has been doing pretty well for me. I do think DTube can be a huge platform and I could love to create anything but I just dont know what I could do. It seems like people in to cryptos are popular but that isnt something I know a whole lot about.
Only thing it worries me honestly is that whales are already taking huge pieces of the pie, but I trust on the Witnesses system and I see a nice future for the platform if managed correctly.
Exactly my thought too..but nevertheless I will keep pressing until I am noticed.
You are right @nanzo-scoop. Youtube monetization is no more attractive now.
Dtube rocks!
The more youtube creates policies that punish creators the bigger opportunity is created for those on Steem. Youtube makes it seem like they are giving you some gift by allowing you to monetize as if they aren't keeping a majority of the proceeds.
Steem and dTube are revolutionary and are returning the power of creating content to the creators. Thank you for the information and your opinion on this matter. We need more people like you to help spread the word of Steem and dTube.
There is still one thing about DTube that few users are paying attention to. DTube reward system. While after (which is quite impossible for most content creators to reach 10k lifetime views on their YouTube channel plus 4k hours of watched time on their video (in the preceding 12 months) and still a 1000 subscribers) after reaching that milestones the content creator is able to monetize forever as it's content get more and more views. On DTube by the present reward system after 30 days, it does not matter how many more people watch your videos, you will never get paid again.
Good point however it would be good to analysis the 'long tail' on Youtube videos and see just how much comes from views in the first week and how much revenue is generated from later views.
I do think that the rewards system will heavily dictate the type of content uploaded to dTube. E.g. I can see it being a popular place for Topical videos not so popular for things like music videos.
great point. People are starting to realize they don't want someone else to filter the world for them, handle their money, or control their personal lives. Platforms are by people and should be for people.
well said !
I do think dtube is the future, however I got quite frustrated with the upload process. Many times my videos wouldn't load after multiple times trying them. Also, often when I go to click on vids they don't work (your one does).
I so want it to succeed, I hope he gets more help and investment to make the channel awesome :-
I've noticed it has major problems running in Safari. Whenever I try to upload something, I have to be using chrome, otherwise it fails.
@imlikett Everything has a major problem running in safari! :-D
Yep dtube needs a lot of work and today's user will have to adopt an 'early adopter' mentality when using it.
Heimindanger has done a great job thus far, I agree investment in what is really good prototype is what is needed.
He absolutely has done a fantastic job and I don't want to put down his efforts in any way, it's just if it is to grow, he needs help. Imagine if it gets to a tenth of Youtubes users and views? That will require some major maintenance and upgrades.
I will give it another go, because I do love having an alternative, and just trying to do what I was doing before and post on both until dtube becomes dominant! :-)
Good to see you rattling back around again :-)
what google should understand is that no one remains monopoly forever. Nokia tried it, Blackberry tried it, Motorolla etc, look at where it got them. until all these hi-tech companies realize that decentralization is the concentration of power, they too will soon go down the memory lane as part of those companies that rejected change and got kicked out.
nice observation @nanzo-scoop....
As someone who worked hard to cross the last threshold for monetization only to have their account pushed back under the bar, twice, I'm looking forward to building an identity here on Steemit and DTube.
Here I know that you all have a voice about what you like and don't and the up-votes are honest reflections of interest and appreciation.
It's great to be be part of something new!
This is the second time my channels have been demonetized...hell, I just got my main channel monetized 6 months ago. This is probably the final chapter as I don't see getting a 1,000 subs anytime soon. I usually get 100 per year. I'm sure YT will increase the requirements again long before I get close to this new requirement.
I can definitely see them continuing to move the goal posts and raise the threshold.
I guess there's inherent issues with all systems, users and stakeholders are conflated on steemit but at least there's a more direct way to address such issues here as opposed to within the corporate governance that goes on with a company like Youtube, which is owned by the even more massive Google. Let's change this platform for the better if we're making it a place to reside.
Agreed, Steemit and DTube aren't perfect however they belong to the community and we have the power to improve it.
I got a rude email this week about my youtube channel payments. Such a good time to push Dtube!
It is a wonderful time to be alive! Tokenization of youtube videos! Guess dtube has a good shot at becoming the youtube killer ;) we can only hope
Youtube is cutting off the ability for everyone to make money for their content by limiting monetization to those that have a minimum number of views. The secret is is that Youtube will still make money off people's content that don't qualify and won't have to pay. It results in millions than billions in revenue
Youtube is creating a scam.
Youtube is headed into the dustbin of history.
If you are promoting Dtube why use a youtube embed? Im giving away free stuff please visit my blog for details contest ends in 2 days.
yeah spot on
He's promoting dtube on youtube. Also, he is only against youtube parternership program. Thus, it's perfectly fine to have an embed video from youtube.
so sad
It happens.
#Help4dialysis ! Before Downvoting ! Read This On Steemit - ! #ripsid hashtag ! If u are not going to donate then atleast this article
You tube is abandoning its core principle that made the platform it is today "Free Speech"
What did they say?
You no longer qualify for ad revenue basically.
Dammnn 🤷🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️
great seeing you man! Hope to really do great business with you in the future! thank you for all the prebious upvtes andhelping me get to wherei am!Wait so is this the face of Nanzo Scoop? Thats incredible so nanzo is british? It all makes sense now! hah Im getting a friend @misterdom onto steem and making some funny meme videos, 9coming from Dmania) ad now i find your very incredibly eloquent dtube video and I find myslf having to make a LOT of decisions about all the work i see piled up in frontof me, GOOD work, i feellike i can employ thousands of employees, happy employees! we should start planning for this future!
I believe these changes are a result of the Logan Paul incident. Its sad us small YouTubers get punished because of what one douche bag did
This is likely less to do with Logan Paul, and more to due with the previous adpocalypse issues that have occurred in the past year. Primarily due to advertisers complaining that their content was served next to controversial or offensive content in my opinion.
This is a direct way of drastically limiting the amount of content that they have to have a human manually review.
Unfortunately I am one of these small time Youtube content producers that will be effected.
The paul incident, i believe, compounded the problem. Really it heightened the negative media perception of youtube but they were already planning this second wave. Take a look at who is on the youtube censor boards, the activists against "hate speech" in gamergate are the main gatekeepers of the platfrom now. Providing policy changes which effect the platform.
Fvk Logan Paul. The amount of time people spend watching mind-numbing videos like his boggles my mind. This is why human society is gonna get overtaken by bots. We're becoming mindless consumption machines that provide no value to the universe.
Technically, microinfluencers are the shit now. All marketers want micro influencers now anyway, not huge wales like Jake Paul so you got that going for you
These changes by Youtube have probably been the works for at least six months and the Logan Paul incident has given them a great excuse to release the changes now. I saw a news video on Youtube by Tim Poole who believes that if you include all of details needed it will remove about 95% of channels from the partner program.
These changes are basically the end of new channels entering Youtube and earning themselves just a few dollars.
What did he do?
He posted a video about finding a dead body in a Japanese forest...a forest known for suicides. He claimed it was suicide prevention but that was total BS and YT removed the video and him from their preferred list or what ever. I'm not sure if that is what YT is doing what their doing though. One person mentioned it was to get rid of new channels coming in and steeling their content and making BS videos for money with it. Who knows.
At the start of the year, he went to the suicide woods in Japan and filmed a dead body of a man who killed himself and uploaded it to YouTube. People say he was poking fun at the victim. A lot of people were pissed YouTube demonetizes their videos but allow this BS
It is interesting how much people still watch peoples videos just for pure shock value. Just watching is supporting. It would be far better if the community just didn't view content like his, rather than having youtube make changes that hurt other users.
The irony is that somebody uploaded that video to DTube and is raking in the money. It was over $300 last time I checked.
For real? That is so messed up :/
d tube is best fasr better than you tube but as of now more user are on youtube
The way youtube is going, people will have to shift to dtube and this will give a boost to steem token,so right now my only pick is to buy steem and powerup.
The people are beginning to migrate to dTube. Plenty of room in the steemit/dTube pool. Onward and upward steemians...
Though I am afraid if a Paul Logan comes over it will rip off the reward pool? Or am I missing something?
Well, I mean his value would be decreased if people would flag his content, wouldn't it? So we could actively do something against people like him.
I am not familiar with the specifics, but isn't a "thumbs down" on youtube still an engagement from your community, thus helping you? I think on dtube it would be different!
At least that's how I understood it! Correct me if I am wrong, please :)
Yap, I agree on that, probably it will be a whales fight all over.
Youtube is centerlized so it decides which viedo gets money and wich deleted
The key point is dtube/ steemit is decentralised. Sure people can try to game the system however I'm sure as the platforms grow and improve I'm confident we will also develop measures to effectively combat people that try to game rewards. I've spoken in previous videos about how Communities, for example, can be used to aid in this.
Exactly 👊😎🤙
D-Tube will not be able to compete with YouTube.
Not in the short term, but who knows over time. Besides DTube may end up being the precursor to some other, bigger decentralised Video Sharing solution that rewards content creators.
As a small youtube this has me so upset. I made at least $100-200 a year. Yeah that isn’t much but it’s still like a hey thanks for uploading and here is your cut. I can’t wait for another coming to come and compete with YouTube so that we have a better platform that cares about the creators over the advertisers
Actually, this is the last breath of YouTube; YouTube is dying softly. DTube and Dlive on Steem Blockchain are the video tube for our generation. Big shout out to @dlive and @dtube. You are the video tubes for live.
Couldn't agree more! <3
Couldn't agree more now that micro payments are a reality advertisement should die.
Right on man! I'm in the screwed category. I'm not a bad actor. I only made gaming videos and I earned less than $100 year. I don't see why they couldn't continue to pay it. I have my own take on the whole mess everyone can read about @
I woke up to that message this morning :)
I wasn't surprised to be honest. YouTube has been heading that direction for a while now. It's all about the big players and celebrities now. The user base that built the platform are not valued as much any more.
Let's hope DTube stays 'fair' ;)
Dtube is the new way! But I hope people who are in it for creating content and not for the money still decide to post to Youtube because we could really reclaim it within the community if we wanted to. Youtube would be nothing without its smaller content creators
You Tube will be nothing but huge bland channels and tutorials. You Tube is a sinking ship, I’m getting as many people as possible to move into the Steemit eco system
I am thankful for a platform like Dtube, Im sure there will be arguments over censorship and sensitive content. I think if one wants to not see disturbing things they should turn on their own filters that filter unwanted content out. Does that exist yet (if not its a bomb idea for Devs)? the internet is the best way to share the human story and it should not be censored but filtered. I mean come on it not like people stop making disturbing/nsfw content they will just find another avenue. I look forward to seeing dtube grow and see how this experiment in decentralization works in the long run. Im not sure Steemit or Dtube will be sustainable for 10-15+ years but then again I am not an expert on the technology yet so idk (but i hope im wrong).
I don't even have 1000 subscribers yet, and they shutting off my monetization in February, wtf?
yes, youtube makes it difiicult, facebook too.. when you have to pay for showing your content ... its oposit what we have here.. but thats better for us and it brings more users :)
It is stupid you have to pay for people to see your posts
@nanzo-scoop I think dtube will make waves soon. A lot of people will be pissed with YouTube soon because this rules...i think I'll use dtube soon to know how it works... thanks for sharing
Oh trust me, they know! 👀
it's rather hard in dtube too if u dont have followers that upvote your video, it wont be visible and will just vanish in pain
Yep - as with most things you need to put in some work (not just in creating content) but gaining a following.
very true
What YouTube is doing with all the restrictions is completely awful for all the people that are trying to earn some sort of income making videos on YouTube. They are basically dooming themselves in the long run. While DTube is growing rapidly, YouTube doesn't seem to care about the users at all. It's time people open their eyes and come to hangout in the blockchain!
I has made very aggresive ad-video in polish language,but youtube didn't recorded my livestream so i did it again but shorter,now i'm creating group on FB.
I'm glad I didn't start trying to build a youtube community. When I found Steemit and then eventually Dtube I knew it was my chance to build a community with little to no hinderance to the creative process.
This is literally youtubes way of saying 'hey you're a small youtuber, you mean nothing to us. I am affected by this and yeah I dont make a lot of money on youtube. And i'm ok with that. Why this has gotten me down so much is because when youre video isnt monitised, youtube suggest or recommend your videos as easy, affecting views. this is what upsets me and really is beginning to push me away completely from youtube.
Youtube is making it extremely difficult for new YouTuber and existing subscriber to enjoy the platform
I think they are beginning to feel non-challant about members, its good riddance because dtube has better to offer, so all i can say to them now is rip
Nice post!
Great opportunity to promote dtube to youtube content creators...
Youtube = Spend time to promote their own market, it's like if you was working for them :).gif)
I have never heard of #D-Tube, gonna make research on it and know if it should be giving more preference to than #YouTube
This a game change that I am more then happy to be a part of, Youtude will notice the value of there blogs when its too late
Youtube has been a long standing model in an online view industry, trying to demonitize due to one person missappropriate act shows there weren't punishable structure for individual wrong act. Dtube being a strong competitor with the standardize seemit, will not only work on the ineffiency but take over the market in due time
Youtube is trying to protect their profits. They are gonna go bankrupt soon, because they aren't allowing content creators to strive for greatness!!!
I'm really glad I joined Steem a week ago and i landed to your video. I was planning to make videos on Youtube, based on your advice I would stick to Dtube. Thank You.
Ich sag mal so die 10000 Aufrufe zu erreichen ist jetzt nicht so das Problem aber das was sie jetzt gemacht haben geht garnicht...
I have translate with Google my english isn´t so good:
I'll say that reaching the 10,000 views is not the problem, but what they've done now is not ...
Not much of a vlog person, although the amount of YouTube I do consume is ridiculous, mainly for educational purposes. At least there are options now to look nowadays. Never really picked up the blog/vlog thing as I was too busy with the real world. May reconsider that stance assuming I have something great and of value to share with the world lol.
I really hope Dtube will succeed and more and more people will move from Youtube to Dtube.