Hi guys!
Pat on the back for vlog #3 three days in! Woaah! Sometimes I really do surprise myself.
Today I talk about some of my thoughts on the recent changes to Youtube's Partner Program and how it may affect the platform overall. I am also now officially part of #teamaustralia and can't be more stoked on connecting with more aussies!
Hope you are all having a wonderful day.
The biggest love!
Sarah. 🌸
▶️ DTube
its always really nice to be a part of a community within a community thats already been established, makes you feel special lol. the youtube thing is really unfortunate, but as a small youtuber, i am hoping we can turn things around on the platform or just come to dtube with the kind of energy that small youtubers have on youtube, that tight knit connection that makes us who we are. after really considering it, this could turn out to be a good thing for us! especially since youtube has been on the downhill track cor a while now. really love your casual energy with vlogging!
I am honestly not sure the what sort of power smaller users will have on YouTube once all these changes are implemented but what I think will happen for certain is people will start to move in directions where they feel more appreciated for the time and energy they are putting into their endeavors. Whether they find that in Youtube or eventually move to platforms like Dtube. But I do agree that this in the long term is a good thing for us!
Also thank you! I'm slowly working on my confidence but each day I feel more comfortable with it.
Yeah, the 4000 hours of watch time got me.
Steemit and DTube is the future!
Hell yeah!
Hey there!! I also heard about youtube from a friend and I was amazed!! Like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat is going on here??! haha
Luckily, we have steemit and dtube, am I right? :)
Anyway, I also heard that you actually wanted to vlog weekly, but it turned out that you vlog daily now...WOOHOO!! CONGRATS!!
I was wondering (since you vlog daily) if you want to join our group on discord? We are all dtubedaily vloggers and we are now 26 people including kevinli, tim.clarke, sergiomendes, slayerkm, maneki-neko, harshilpatel and many more!
Just tell me and I'll send you the link :)
Winny out...for now ;)
@myndnow So lucky we have Steemit and Dtube!
Hahaha a part of me is screaming daily vlogging?? Is that too much pressure! Do I have enough to contribute to be posting that often? And the other part is just telling me to go for it seeing as I've kept to a good habit anyway and I shouldn't let fears or worries stop me! ....... 😱
Winny... Get back in here! I think I'd like to be apart of the team. I am already so inspired by most of the daily vloggers you've listed and I feel the future direction of dtube is going to be a good one!
@neeqi, people will want to watch you because of YOU. That's the thing about this platform, it's rather about PEOPLE than about BRANDS (Kevinli told me this and I agree with him). So, if you share with people who you are (which you are already doing) people will connect with you. I just watched one of your videos and I already feel connected...why? because you are being authentic. ALSO, because I see you write genuine long comments on Kevinli, for instance, it proves that you are here to connect with people rather than just come and go.
You can definitely do dailyvlogging, especially when you are in our group seeing that everyone else is also vlogging, it will push you even more because we are here to support and help each other grow. We are like family :)
I'm happy to have you in our group and everyone will treat you well, trust me. We have a lot of fun. Don't worry if you can dedicate your time once in a while in the group because you have other things to do as well. Members in our group are not always active either because well they need to work and have jobs, however, even if they just write one sentence or if it's just once a week, but they GIVE THEIR BEST to contribute to the group...that is what counts because at the end, it's about GROWING TOGETHER :)
Ok, enough talking...here's the link: discord.gg/A2XG8Ga
Looking forward to seeing you in there!
Winny out...for now ;)
This sounds so silly but honestly right now my heart is like full blown radiating! I feel so supported by so many of you guys and I never really thought I could feel so connected to people through something like social media. I guess I really hold value to face to face interactions because so much more can be interrupted accurately in that space. But there is nothing lacking here in this community and I am endlessly grateful!
I totally agree with you on this!! I never thought that I would connect with people this much...honestly. That's why I say that we are definitely a family and not a community :)
Winny out...for now ;)
One big old family! I love it.
Completely agree! they are taking away the democratization of YouTube. I wonder if Dtube doesn't have its own structural limitations regarding Whales eventually evolving into a quasi-oligarchy.
Lets hope not! But in the meantime we have an opportunity for mass creativity and individual expression. Who knows the future of the platform but I feel like its being backed by a wonderful community and we are hoping to maintain that integrity moving forward.
In Luxembourg every YouTube Channel is affected by this. Small countries with a low viewerbase are those who loose in this situation. I told my community to migrate to Steemit.
It's super unfortunate and doesn't seem to make much sense. I can only see them losing a lot of their community and no doubt people will start prompting everyone to move into Steemit and Dtube.
I feel the same but, Youtube should have done this long long time ago so . . . they get what they give
Very true!