in #vlog7 years ago

Some think that these are scary...

I'm not saying that they are not, I'm just stating a fact. Many snakes can be dangerous and even deadly, but others are completely harmless. Why then are all snakes treated the same by some people? I'm not sure, but at least some of it can be a fear of the unknown. In this ramble I just share some thoughts and show off this wild Northern Water Snake. Enjoy it for what it's worth!


here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and


Until next time…

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GIF provided by @orelmely




I am one of those people who creep out on seeing a snake or a lizard.

I don't fear them, as I know that they mean no harm to me, but still, I can't stand close to them.

As you said, you have to expose yourself to a thing you fear the most, so maybe one day I will try to hold a snake, just maybe.

One thing I loved about your video is that you don't play with the snakes but you respect them, you feel affectionate to them.

It is a rare thing to see, as most people would show off holding the snake so much that they put the animals and themselves in danger.

You acknowledge that it can bite you, I hope it never bites you in the future when you make more videos like this.

After I have watched a snake video, I would love to see your lizard video one day if you will make one.

I could show you a few lizard videos that I already made. Here are a few short educational videos that I've made for my "Wild-Man's Wild Friends" video series. They feature a few different species of lizards. Enjoy!

Just watched the first video, the lizard was crawling on your hand, and tried to bite you in defence.... It creeped me out so much that I was putting my hand in front of my eyes, almost bit my fingers watching it.

I got to say that you are quite a wild man, and from my point of view, a very courageous man too.

Seriously, I would be much less scared but more amused if you have tried that with a tiger.

Now going to watch other videos too. Thanks for sharing.

this sentence becomes inspiration.
Thanks @papa-pepper.

Wow! That is really cool! Thanks!

I've used this in my recent post and gave you the credit! A little "free advertising" for you!

Thanks you very much @papa-pepper.

I am in subsahara Africa and the sight of you holding a snake in that way gives me the bumps. Nearly all snakes here are venomous and it might be very expensive to try to find out which isn't, so as a general rule, keep away from all snakes till you are sure they are dead and cold.

Earlier today I received a call to go have some python pepper soup, but I don't eat reptiles so I passed that one. I hope to someday be in a place where you can actually see a snake and not run for your matchet .

Haha, appreciate the general rule.

Yes, in many places there are more venomous snakes than here and the snakes can get much bigger. I'd love to find a python in the wild!

Really great article again @papa-pepper, your new video is very informative!

Keep up the great work and Steem On!
Greetings from Germany. Jonas @future24

Thanks @future24! I love the stuff you've been showing lately!

Personally I didn't like snakes until I met my husband. We acquired a ball python and a boa constrictor. I was amazed that they were not slimy. When the boa wrapped around our feet it was like a massage.

I guess it is like the addage "feel the fear and do it anyway." At least that worked for me. However, when they slither out from the grass while I am gardening it still freaks me out.

Here is one of my resident fellas. Rather sad, but that's nature.

Head first is easier. Thanks!

Great information.

Thanks for sharing such a nice post.

Thats a beautiful snake. I had two a Columbian red-tail boa and a rainbow boa. Snakes are the easiest pets to take care of

We've had a lot of pet snakes before, one was a red-tailed boa.

I mean why shouldn't I be scared of snakes. I really do not think it is fear of the unknown. Take for instance some lions are harmful and some aren't, wouldn't you still watch your way with lions. Snakes are horrible creatures and I am very much scared of them

There are some snakes that are simply completely harmless and do not have the capability to harm people, and yet they are hated and feared just the same. What do you think of this snake:

It is completely harmless, and yet is hated and killed just because it is a snake. Is this one horrible too? I only ask because it is not harmful in any way.

Luckily there are no deadly or big snakes were I live, altough they are beautiful animals to see!!
Have a nice day!!!

wow, I admit you are a brave and have the ability to it, I can not imagine when to meet with a snake let alone with a very close distance. hopefully health and safety will always be with you @papa-pepper

Interesting @papa-pepper.. Snakes scare me a lot but I gotta trample over them..

Snakes represent great benefits for human beings, so it is important to raise awareness about the existence and study of these species.
How do you catch them?

I hope this is not the snake that swallowed 36million naira in my country. What a shameful story. Papa do you know about the story or I should tell you?

Well, I must admit you're just all round guy. Brave, smart, intelligent and wise.

I have never heard of that story! Interesting!

The politicians in my country announced that a snake swallowed 36million naira that belong to a particular sector handling examination into tertiary institutions in my country. So hilarious...

That does not sound like a very good excuse. I can't believe that they said that! Wow!

That's the point papa, it is so exaggerated to the extent someone begins to doubt it

very broad post ordinary friend. I'm very happy with your friends post.
Upvote and resteem @papa-papper

Wow..!! I want to get rid of this people tend to kill when a snake suddenly appear...I'm taking your video as an inspiration and will try to touch a ratsnake that is very common here.

You are one brave man Papa. Dynamic in the sense that you know what is what. That's a massive gift and knowledge to have. There is no gift of knowledge though, only the discipline of study, and you studied well. You nailed it, fear of the unknown. I have never touched one before, but i fear touching one. Never observed one before, but i fear it. I really don't know which is venomous and which is not, so i would rather not want to find out the hard way hahaha. How do you know which is venomous and which isn't? Study? Interest? I have never been interested in them, that could have been the issue, but i am always open to new ways and learning.

I think nobody should fear of snakes as much as they should be afraid of man because man is more venomous than snakes. Let apart our mankind. Most of the snakes are not venomous. In fact it is said that worldwide only 10% snakes species are venomous. Rest of them are harmless.

if the snake matter to me a little scary, but after I found out that the snake is not venomous then I will not be afraid anymore.
this is very great.this is really brave, you @papa-pepper really can be told people who are not afraid of anything,

Yes, maybe one day I will touch the snake and hold it, especially after watching your video, but only if the snake is not poisonous.

Always enjoy watching your "Animal series" either if its wild or farm animals. I love the respect you have for these animals.

Hello @papa-pepper

Kai! I can't believe this! You continue to inspire through your originality. I salute the courage to beheld that snake very close to your face. That's Courage! I hope to be like you when I grow up 😂😂


Fear of the unknown is a common ailment. Often times it causes paralysis and folks can't move forward. It holds them back from accomplishing amazing things.

I’m unusual in that I dont fear snakes. My husband laughs at me because when I see a new snake I run for my little guide book of Florida snakes to check it out! We do have some poisonous ones here, but most are harmless. It makes me angry when I see neighbors hacking to death with a spade some poor innocent corn snake or black racer.

I saw this snake on the way home, a very accommodating model for me. IMG_0723.jpg
