Welcome to the RAGIN' vlog
yesterday! Oy.I think Nita @creatingchaos247 still hates me... We've got habanero jelly beans and my ass is already crying. Why? Because we did double trouble with the Cayenne and Carolina Reepers
On the more tame side of things...
We've both got a package from JD Calderon and I suspect that it's Tall Tales! Speaking of JD - he's launching The Oswald Chronicles Vol. 1 trade paperback TOMORROW. Get notified on launch!
Actually Just RAGIN' is the show about... well... everything!
If we're not livestreaming with our antics, we're sitting with independent creators in thoughtful interviews!
Hit the subscribe button and smash that notifications bell so you know when we're going LIVE. https://www.youtube.com/c/raginavc
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• DAPHNE LAGE @daphnelage << she's on HIVE! - Egoraven Heir of the First Unicorn 1-3 | https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/daphnelage/egoraven-heir-of-the-first-unicorn-1-3-and-prequel-story
• MIKE JIMMY @lortiamjb << he's on HIVE! - The Radiant Sight | https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-radiant-sight-1/x/26091091#/
• ROB MULTARI - Snow Paw | https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/multari/snow-paw-1-a-19th-century-scottish-female-werewolf-fantasy?ref=agbk1d
• DUSTIN BRUNELL - Greed 2 | https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/the-listener/greed-2-midnight-snack
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• HAZZUM PRODUCTIONS - Roadkill Rampage 2 |
• SQUEE: After Dark Volume 2 by April Grady-Reyna | https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/533126205/squee-after-dark-volume-2
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