Wiem i cieszę się niezmiernie z tego powodu, dzisiaj nagram film w którym powiem ile znaczy dla mnie ten jeden upvote i jak bardzo poprawi on moją obecną sytuację materialną :)
In the end all degrees are worthless, it depends on what you are, what you know and who you are, it is never about which dregrees did you have in college.
It's true, but the thing is degrees help you a lot in life for example it is almost impossible to get a visa without having a degree. For me the only way to get a visa is to have a degree or get the company to get me so called "talent visa" or something like that, it's the type of visa which mostly musicians get to play all over the world, but to get it I need to have a talent, which I don't have or find a company that want me to work for them, which is impossible because I do not have a degree. Now I just realized it is a closed circle when it comes to get a visa in Poland... But anyways I still agree with you :)
Well, most important thing is to go to the college you really want to go, if you are interested in IT there is no point to college where you study biology, if you like games, go study game development not finances don't let anybody tell you, you have to go there, study this, do that etc. You own your life and you decide what to do with it and don't let anybody tell you it is not true. Also it is going to be the best time of your life so far, at least my friends talk like this, you know, parties etc. ;)
Its your degree that made you wherever you reach in life. You might safe your degree in the shelf but the impact is already in you and that can never be taken away.
Wiem i cieszę się niezmiernie z tego powodu, dzisiaj nagram film w którym powiem ile znaczy dla mnie ten jeden upvote i jak bardzo poprawi on moją obecną sytuację materialną :)
In the end all degrees are worthless, it depends on what you are, what you know and who you are, it is never about which dregrees did you have in college.
It's true, but the thing is degrees help you a lot in life for example it is almost impossible to get a visa without having a degree. For me the only way to get a visa is to have a degree or get the company to get me so called "talent visa" or something like that, it's the type of visa which mostly musicians get to play all over the world, but to get it I need to have a talent, which I don't have or find a company that want me to work for them, which is impossible because I do not have a degree. Now I just realized it is a closed circle when it comes to get a visa in Poland... But anyways I still agree with you :)
Well, most important thing is to go to the college you really want to go, if you are interested in IT there is no point to college where you study biology, if you like games, go study game development not finances don't let anybody tell you, you have to go there, study this, do that etc. You own your life and you decide what to do with it and don't let anybody tell you it is not true. Also it is going to be the best time of your life so far, at least my friends talk like this, you know, parties etc. ;)
I don't believe degrees are worthless.
Its your degree that made you wherever you reach in life. You might safe your degree in the shelf but the impact is already in you and that can never be taken away.