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RE: How Do We Defend What We Value While Keeping Things Fun?

in #vlog8 years ago

That's well balanced. How to name and shame bad actors? It's the billion dollar question, sure enough. My own feeling is more inter-human dialogue. It seems now that there is too much trust in a system of communication which in reality has only three "verbs": upvote, downvote, and ad hominum. And personally I think down-voting is a really clumsy and blunt tool, and the platform could do with a more controlled way of dealing with fraud.


the platform could do with a more controlled way of dealing with fraud.

Controlled in what sense? To me, the most powerful and effective long term solution to negative actions is open discussion. Rational people will see it and recognize which activities will not lead to their own benefit. Irrational people bent on continuing to harm others will be excluded and marginalized by the flag and a terrible reputation.

Yes, "controlled" is not a good choice of word. I meant in the sense of being measured and more refined, rather than just +/- voting and trusting in a just average. As you say, open discussions: my "inter-human dialogue" is again clumsy.

BTW, a revelant discussion is going on in the comments thread to a recent @masteryoda post, in case you had not noticed it.