Nothing we haven't heard about before but lately, with the low prices in STEEM, more users have been bitching about being uderappreciated for their work on here. Feeling of entitledness amongst some, is corrupting the minds of others.
Where does this end?
In bitterness towards others when their ridicilous expectetions aren't met.
While being in this negative state of mind these users can't see through their mistakes to realize that the only thing they are doing wrong is that they aren't commited enough.
Those who are, especially the ones who stay through the "tough times" will, if persistent enough surely be rewarded for their efforts.
The ones complaining while offering no value and putting in no WORK into their content will get eaten by the SKARKS, The Hustlers and the DOers.
Anyway, these are just my thoughts but I would like to hear what you think
I highly value your opinions and would like to discuss about this with you in the comments, so be sure to share your thoughts on this down there.
As always, one user who brings most value to the discussion will get my full upvote.
Finally, with that off my chest and on the blockchain, I can get some much needed SLEEP
Cya tomorrow!
▶️ DTube
When I first came to Steemit and dtube my initial reason was to find work opportunities on the internet, a kind of side income. Then, as I learnt more about the platform, I realize that it is not an easy place to make money. But it doesn't matter to me because I enjoy writing, taking photos and making videos. Since I started about a year ago, I have never got any substantial earning for months. But I am doing what I like and even cured my addiction to Facebook haha because now I spent my time mostly on Steemit.
I don't mind to work, work, work, because I enjoy it. And vlogging is a challenge for me because I am quite uneasy talking in public. I really want to overcome this challenge, because when I can do it, I'll become a new person. A person that I can be proud of. :-)
Thank you for having the right mentality towards your activities on here. You are destined to succeed if you continue posting and never get demotivated by "low payouts" the 5 Steem/week or whatever you are earnign now will soon be worth much more than 4$ :D
I look at 1 Steem at the price of 100$
Helps a lot when thinking about how much you are earning :D
Anywayy, did you send me that picture/title for the thumbnail. Didn't see you reply but might have missed it if you did.
Thank you. I haven't send you the picture. I will take a "proper" photo first, then I will send it. So far what I did is taking the snap from the video, and I don't think it has great quality.
Then take a "proper" send it in here and tell what title you would like + favourite color :D
There are two kinds of mentalities that people have whenever they join a new platform one is that they wanna WiN, win some respect, win some reputation, win some fame. They wanna prove themselves who they are and what they have and what they are capable of; while on the other hand, a mentality is just of EARNING from the platform.
I completely agree with you @runicar that you must WORK and keep WORkiN before expecting anything in return.
Thanks For This Video, this can be eye opener to many.
You got all the rigth points from my video, well done!
Work hard, play hard. Money will follow good intentions/actions.
Exactly that's what I too beleive,
WE would GET what WE DESERVE
Cheers !
It's a hard subject to talk about because some people dont understand it takes time. Your value isnt just your content but your time with the platform. Only the time you put in can get you to successful. I think a lot want the fast, instant gratification.
Yes! That and nothing else haha. They wold like a bag of coins to fall into their lap without even moving a finger but we all know it doesn't work that way :D
yes, agree with you.
Good meaningful content takes time to make. It takes effort and creativity. We all want upvotes and sometime you will get a random high upvote but for the msot part you have to build your reputation and put in the time and effort to build the following and the trust with your fans.
I think if people arent getting upvotes instead of whining and complaining the first thing they should do is take a look at their content and ask whats the message and value and how can I make it better than it is now.
Yes, time that the toxic users, with flawed mentality don't want to put into their content.
You couldn't have said this better hahah Wish more realized this and started putting in the work in their content instead in whining and complaining.
I try to give my opinion sir @runicar. If I am wrong, I hope you dont mind.
I am part of the steem user and until now I am still trying to work hard (giving positive content in wrting and photography, no plagiarsm) to the blockchain system. My reason is, First, until now, The Steem Blockchain is a the one media that keeps giving rewards for steemians. It doesn't matter big and small but always. Second, this world is world of tastes, is it true who work then complain? No. Why not we change the question, Is our content in accordance with your followers' tastes or qurator taste ? I am sure we can presented properly, a reward will surely comes. Third, rewards arise from whale and Redfish. There are still many reward objects that can we take a chance. don't just look up to whales. Last, if they complain when steem low, where they are when steem need help in netcoin contest ? Over one million steemian, but the participant lower then quantity of steemian. they dont take a part there. Even I am only redfish, I still support steem in 7 days. Thanks sir and God bless you for this spirit.
Posted using Partiko Android
@khaimi you can't be wrong with sharing your opinion. There is no right and wrong here. I'm glad that you said what's on your mind.
There is only one point I would like to correct your thinking on.
A lot of people have bots, fake accounts, multiple accounts, project accounts, etc. The actual number of unique users is much smaller.
Daily active users is even less.
But we will build a strong community over time. The downtrends in thecrypto space are kicking users away from blockchain technology, STEEM especially. Now when they earn 5x less than a couple of months before, they don't want to invest their "precious time" here.
What a shame.....
Well yeah I really hope the users whoa re asking these gets the point that you really wanted to share and at the most they get sth out of it.
Yeah getting there is sth really tough but yeah when one makes it there it is just the quality that will take a user even higher.
While yeah may the they get the right way and we over all, get to see everyone there at same point.
Agreed man, the only thing that you need to do here is to put some fucking work and i don't know why do people become demotivated when they didn't even try to do something better. I guess we should all just embrace it as a dayle job instead of just bitching around and begging for fucking upvotes. Keep it up, waiting for your next merge :D
I guess you can't turn a rat into a flower.
Couldn't agree with you more on this.
Next MERGE should be up in a day or two and it's going to be on
Just wanted to suggest that😁
Oh, you mentioned it in your last video that's why 😂
Are you still sick or not? Wanna chill?
nah, i'm finally feeling great. Ofc, when? :D
great, let's make it 13:40 na zadnjoj. I won't be late so don't make me wait :D
hahahaha ok , it's a deal :D
For those just starting out, I would look at it as the more affordable prices in STEEM.
Imagine it's spring 2016 and you're one of the early pioneers "staking your claim to the blockchain" as I mention in my profile.
These people had no certainty that Steemit would succeed, yet joined, invested - believing in the platform - and began creating content.
They deserve every bit of their success for laying the foundation we all enjoy today.
So let's put on our "startup hats" and help build this thing. The Steemit veterans had the foresight to look ahead and Invision the possible. We need to see the same bright future with our own eyes as well...
Great points and I agree with al lof them. The one I liked the most is
Yes, yes and yes! Let's build this place from the bottom up. The foundations have been set in place by the veterans, and now it's our turn to build a skyscraper.
Well said
Work hard play hard @runicar well said most of what I have seen dtube upvotes higher % based on quality and effort of a video. It doesn't have to be related to steemit or talking about cryptos or anything my cooking videos don't mention those things but they do take a lot of work to get done so that's the way I do things.
Yep Dtube is doing all the right things supporting worthy content creators. I'm glad to see they aren't basing their upvotes on mostly crypto content like dapps like dmania had. That just ruins the experience for other people who might be stopping by from elsewhere. The ones that aren't interested in crypto , which is like 90% of the rest of the world, won't ahve anything interesting to look at if we all base our content on crypto.
That's why I love seeing diversity of content on Dtube and always support users who are doing something unique, creative and are filling in that gap.
You mean the coins won't find their way into my sack just because it's open and I want it? haha
The only way with anything is to keep at it and to keep improving :)
Good one :D
Yes! Persistence and constantly improving ourselves is the only way up!
I think if you treat this like a community and a family it won't feel like work because for me it doesn't really feel like work. If it's too hard I just won't post until I can.
Agreed, but many cant as they rely on the earnings on Steem to support themselves irl. You got a big advantage being native in English makes it much easier on you than some others.
I'm sure you are right.
Posted using Partiko Android
Motivation right there... people will still bitch when steem goes up and will say I should of posted more when it was cheap hahaha
hahaha it's like that every single dip man. Yet, I'm loving the downtrends as it's a gret time to STACK!
Very true . Funny how money seems to change everything but at the same time nothing . No one complains about not being paid enough on Facebook . They still complain however !
Tell me abut it :D
I think they aren't complaining about fb and others as it was never marketed in such a way as Steemit was.
Don't forget about "Money talks" banner we had on Steemit before
Jerry Banfield and his crappy videos pumping Steem up to look like a instant money making machine.
How is Jerry Banfield still even a thing.
He isn't but, the effects of his used care salesman "work" is still showing amongst the people who he introduced to STEEM.
Yes sadly that mentality is prevalent here. Hopefully the culture will improve. I vacillate between being bullish on steem and thinking that the angry lynch mob has taken over the city and going to burn it down.
It is hard to work in here unless you can blog and have friends that you can support and support you back @runicar and those elements are important for a successful endeavor in this community.
Exactly! Yet, many still cant see through this. I hope they open up their eyes.
Thanks for stopping by!
Great advice and motivation for those struggling to be consistent in their journey here! I think that these are the times when the foundation is being built here and can create opportunities for thise to start their journey of building something despite the challenges. Now is the time to do so as there may never be a similar opportunity in the future.
Building something as revolutionary as STEEM is, will have a lot of challenges. SOme of which we are alredy facing with all of the abusers, circle jerks, spammers and scammers. But I think that these kind of users will filter out over time and be replaced by other, more positive influencers.
These people are everywhere. YouTube, Facebook, literally every platform. Lucky for us, with the way Steem works, I feel like these people will go away if they don't change.
Okay, this video was too good! The part about investing time over money was (I'd say) perfectly said. Well done!
Yes, even more so on Steem, I feel. Some of them go away but those who don't, just plague the rest with posting their flawed ideas.
Can I do both, complaining and putting in some work? :D :D
hahah sure you can. You have the right to complain. I'm aware of the hours you put into your stuff
I was considering making Dtube videos, how has DTube treated you so far @runicar?
So far so good :D Even though I'm not here for upvotess but to gain experience and editing skills, I did receive a couple of upvotes already.
If you don't have fan, followers and friends who have high SP and upvoting your posts on regular basis, your hard work won't be appreciated at all. Or you have to do the shortcut way; lease(or buy from pocket) SP and exchange upvotes on posts and comments or self upvote in all of your comments. By this way we can earn something.
Posted using Partiko Android
You missed every single last point I was trying to make with this vid lol. It doesn't matter if you have no SP, or high SP accounts voting for you regularly. What matters though is the amount of time/thought/effort one puts in his content.
Commitment is key!
You gotta be here every day man. I've been here for more than 17 months and I can atest to the fact tht hard work pays of here.
This is amazing friends, I just came here yesterday, I tried to keep looking at posts about all the world dtubers, and I will continue to move in the direction,
I’m putting in tons of work. It’s paying off over on
Posted using Partiko iOS
I love the message. Time to put in the work! I think we need to have a long term mentality and thats what separates people who are here for the money and those who are here for the long term.
Hello @runicar this is one of the best motivational to learn and succeed in Steem blockchain. It's very clear the answer to success is WORK WORK WORK ,connect and Enjoy. Thanks for sharing this I learned a lot! resteeming this to spread your valuable words .
Glad you enjoyed it and found some good information in it.
Looking forward to seeing you put in that WORK!!
I admit I joined Steemit due to unemployment. I do like posting my art and my photos. It's discouraging when my hard work gets ignored. Nothing I do gets people to pay attention. If you're a performer, do you want 2 people seeing it or 20?
Yeah it hard to make money on Steemit, don't make the mistake I did and power down your SP. Your SP alone can help you earn more. I should have waited until I reached the thousands before powering down. I let it get to where my upvotes are worthless and missed out on earning since Steemit stopped paying users on posts lower than 2 cents.