Great song! Watched another one of your videos left me wondering is the song used in it also produced by you.
This is the video Im referring to
I would love to use your songs in my future videos and would gladly mention you whenever I used them. Will get in touch on discord.
Oh, so thats why it looks like Slovenia haha
Agreed, power to the people!
Thanks so much @runicar. Yes all the music on my videos are originals by me. This is "The Children Of The Python", released on my own label about 6-7 years ago. I can send them all if you want :)
Posted using Partiko Android
I would love that,yeah! Send me those and some others if you like. I really enjoy techno and tech-house.
Can never get enough of good music :D
Let me know over Discord :) I'll send you a downloadable link if you like @runicar
Posted using Partiko Android
I'll hit you up now!