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RE: [Vlog] Kanye West's 'slavery comment' hysteria says more about us than him

in #vlog7 years ago

It was one the news that was almost the day long on English speaking television, as the nature of modern journalism and social media, they all look for sensations and the news that can polarize, sometimes the words or thoughts you express was not really well done and could have double meaning is the worst. it is like in old proverb" the word is not a bird, once it is out you can't catch it" That is why it is really a difficult situation for promis when they asked to comment on one or other things, they have to be very careful when choosing what to say and expressing their thought. As journalists those people have to be aware that they transmit the information therefore, it is a great responsibility how they bring the information to readers or listeners and the most important they have to be neutral in their relationship to the subject or person.

As an artist, for us it is may be easier, we just show what we want to show the the people interpret it how they think, some people love it some not.

Have a lovely weekend,Thank you @nanzo-scoop for the chance to be able to know your view and was interesting to read what other people thinking.
