Study hard, find a well-paid job, save money, buy a house, buy a car, have kids, buy a bigger car, feel trapped every single day. Why? Because society tells you to? Maybe you do not want those things, perhaps you want to spend your money on meaningful experiences, escape the rat race and gain control over your life.
Carefree spirits place what they love at the center of their lives: surfing, climbing, mountain biking, hiking, seeing as much of the world as possible. Sounds like the stuff of fairytales, with you as the king or queen of your castle or… van. In reality, van life is still life, with goods and bads. Packing your entire life and embarking on an epic adventure is not as easy as it sounds. To help you decide whether this kind of lifestyle really is for you,
So true :) amen to that! Even when living your dream life, when having no fixed place to stay, when traveling full-time in a way...routine will come! You still will have a daily life including all the daily struggles...just in another way! Still I would not want to miss it :)
Very true it is still life and we know it's not for everyone but it's what we like to do.
Have you done anything like this before? : )Thanks for the great comment @tamaris was a really good read : )