I think we should be encouraging everyone who joins to write at least one article about steemit. It beats people joining and wondering what the platform is for, what makes it special, how it works, ect.
I understand why some people could come to think a lot of articles relating to steemit could seem like we are trying too hard to make it work, to promote it, which could in turn make people believe we are trying to scam. But at the same time, if I start using a technology and don't have the tools to learn how to use it best, the likelihood is I will think it's not worth the effort to learn it.
If I see others have made an effort not only to learn but to teach, then I know I may have found something that has worth.
Very well said.
I have to agree with you completely.
I'm an early adopter and know my way around social media more than my friends do. I have friends very interested in what I'm doing on Steemit because they've seen me make some money online, but they've never seen me so into a platform like this one. Explaining Steemit to them, they all get excited and believe it's something they could do. Then they hit the website and get lost and quit.
I can understand why so many Steemit related posts are being discouraged lately. Newbies see big payout stats for that tag and are trying to cash in. Unfortunately, many posts about Steemit lately add very little value to the site.
I know we're still in beta but a new minnow could care less about that. There's some good information on how to succeed on Steemit, but you have to search for it. While searching for answers one must wade through all the fluff posts and to a new minnow that's frustrating.
My solution is to start a users guide of all the best information so new users can get right into the Steemit community with as little confusion as possible. I picked a few domain names and would appreciate your opinion of the best one for this project. It'll just take a minute and really help. Which name do you like best?
This sentence is golden! :)