Hmm thats undeniably a great achievement.I am encouraged after going through this post.Personally am opened for mentorship;i will be glad to learn from you.I joined steemitschool on dizcord lately but still trying to navigate my way!i will like to be a follower of your posts.My perception was that,its practically impossible to have good success on steemit with no prior knowledge or investment.anticipating a reply soon.Thanks much
Ok,thanks, i am going to work on that.I am grateful,pls do find time to visit my blog and access the success rate.How can i hook up with you on discord?
Today I wrote one of my poems. A flower blooms and tried to network with a few people. I will write another post soon for my daily awakening series. I have reached level 44 after 30 days but not much upvotes coming my way. I will keep at it and see if I improve a month from now.
I always talk about the basics.
Write 1 high quality post, network with 10 people only and learn more for 10 minutes per day about Steemit read
Hmm thats undeniably a great achievement.I am encouraged after going through this post.Personally am opened for mentorship;i will be glad to learn from you.I joined steemitschool on dizcord lately but still trying to navigate my way!i will like to be a follower of your posts.My perception was that,its practically impossible to have good success on steemit with no prior knowledge or investment.anticipating a reply soon.Thanks much
Write 1 post every day, learn more about Steemit for 10 minutes every day and network with 10 people only.
You have too many holes in your blog history.
Ok,thanks, i am going to work on that.I am grateful,pls do find time to visit my blog and access the success rate.How can i hook up with you on discord?
It is a good goal!
Today I wrote one of my poems. A flower blooms and tried to network with a few people. I will write another post soon for my daily awakening series. I have reached level 44 after 30 days but not much upvotes coming my way. I will keep at it and see if I improve a month from now.
You are not posting high-quality posts every day.
You gotta get that right.
okay can you give me a tip on what's wrong with my posts? Like an example?
I always talk about the basics.
Write 1 high quality post, network with 10 people only and learn more for 10 minutes per day about Steemit read
thanks mate
After buying the servers I will start using a guide written by @krnel to protect my servers better.
Excellent post, thanks for sharing