Everyone wants to be free.
To be free you need to liberate yourself...
Drop the mask.
Embrace the fear of judgment and embarrassment...
And realize...
It doesn't matter.
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Everyone wants to be free.
To be free you need to liberate yourself...
Drop the mask.
Embrace the fear of judgment and embarrassment...
And realize...
It doesn't matter.
Yup. People usually go nut around me anyway as they project stuff on me and then go crazy when i do not fulfil the image they want to saddle me with. I am in a point of my life where I just am done worrying about it ... it was a process though. Honesty is a important factor and tool we need to be honest to ourselves and others. A while back you said to me something in the vein of "why do you care about XYZ as you will never see them" There are causes I champion where every victim means something to me mostly children and animals. Then there are causes and things I do to make the world a better place not because the individuals involved "mean something to me " but because the world I want to live in does not have such things happening in them. There is a part of me a cold part that recognises that killing off 80-90% of the world's population would actually be beneficial to society and the planet. But i also recognise that any society built on such an event would never turn out to be anything worth living in. It is not virtue signalling it is just having a vision of a bigger picture spanning more than one mortal lifetime.
I definitely agree with your last sentences and I add that civilization itself is the beginning of the degenerating process.
First the strong found it, then after a couple of generations that strength and order is forgotten and it all goes downhill from that as these "leaders" have no war and leading experience.
Aka they are huge pussies that allow feminism, multi-culti and all that bullshit.
We will have to disagree on the last part classical feminism is not something bad it is modern feminism that is an issue in my opinion as it seeks to subjugate men instead of wanting equality. I personally have no issue with multi culti either it just becomes an issue when it is forced. Truth is the superior never has to fear or ban the inferior because the superior will always come out on top. If you look back most things that crumble after generations were built on something imperfect or tainted it just gets exponentially more tained each generation. This is why it is so important to build a solid foundation built on strong morals and honour code.
I have copy & pasted my comment to you in Discord. The normies here will implode reading it.
I had to take care of myself I also raised my child alone. You are generalizing and i would personally die just being confined to a home. I like to do a lot of feminine things but also a lot that you would consider masculine. But then I am more a child of freya and not that much of frigg. Peace is not the enemy it only becomes that with a population that refuses to evolve and grow. There is nothing with staying home and being a hausfrau either if it is one's true calling and here is where the problem lies with modern feminism they disrespect women that make that choice there needs to be room for both. Also the state did not do crap for me I worked from the age of 15 until I got sick and provided for my own. As for our leaders I agree they are all honourless the answer is to become our own leaders and live by example.
nods coming over for five but then i need to go to bed ..
P.s we all learn from the things we create as they are a facet of the prism that we usually just look at in its entirety. We learn from each student as well and sometimes our students turn out to be masters in other regards in their own right.