- Love is to think for one another: In love can not avoid the conflict and hurt each other. This is normal in life. Everyone must be brave to face difficulties, avoid complaining and blaming others.
In this way, the relationship becomes stronger and more profound. - Love is respectful: An adult usually has a goal and a sense of self, which is why they respect the wishes of others. Always let each other be free, and try to compromise that relationship without pressure.
People who just think what they want do not usually listen to others, do not want to understand or acknowledge. - Love is responsible for one another: Responsibility is something that makes adults different from children. You can also use this criteria to assess whether a relationship has grown, whether or not you have become a trusted person.
- Love is the same relationship: Patience and concern for the characteristics and habits of lovers and partners is important, as the foundation of a harmonious love.
If you want a strong love, you have to work hard. If you just take care of your suffering and explode at some point, the relationship will end. - Love is to know the error: Love is not only emotional, but also the cohesion and make a thorough decision. The elements of a mature relationship are to have a common goal, to be together, to give attention to the other.
If after an argument, you re-arrange your belongings and remember the old one, then you should think about how long the relationship will last. - Love is giving. Mature people just want to be loved and care without trying to love others. But love needs both sides, as well as a hand can not beat loudly.
- Love is self-perfection: Adults do not hesitate to change their minds and are willing to acknowledge their weaknesses. They understand and care about others. When they love, they always try to be better.
If a person only wants you to accept themselves and suffer from their bad habits, the relationship will not develop and you will always become alien to the other person.
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