Today I was led by my boyfriend to meet his family. I am very nervous and nervous. I do not know what to do when I meet them. My dear friend encouraged me and gave me motivation. When he came to see his parents. they are funny . they make me feel close. I cooked a nice lunch for the whole family. And they like what I cook. I guess I succeeded in this encounter
This is the lunch I cooked for his family. The dishes are quite amazing and delicious made from shrimp. pork and vegetables
wow!! friend you are great. i think your cook food is so testy. and i think your boyfriend family people are very well. They mixed well with you.
I wish you the fullness of relation.
đảm quá em :))
Congratulation. I think you will be a lovely part in that family
Ngày tuyệt vời và một cô gái sắp làm vợ người ta rồi.
A great day and a girl going to be his wife.
That's great! It's nice to know more about VN culture. I am not Vietnamese but I live in VN, it's my home away from home.
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