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RE: Vocab-ability Prefix–283 (hemi__ = half) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)

in #vocab-ability6 years ago


  1. Hemisphere
    Since Antarctica was known for being cold, Susan instantly believed that it was located in the north but realized it is located in the southern hemisphere.
  2. Hemihydrate
    Excessively high temperature causes formation of hemihydrate.
  3. Hemipelgia
    For instance, affected muscles in one limb is monoplegia, both arms or both legs is diplegia, both limbs on one side of the body is hemiplegia, and in all four limbs is quadriplegia.
  4. Hemicycle
    The home features a solar hemicycle footprint, patio, fishpond, carport, and outdoor connectivity to the natural landscape.