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RE: Vocab-ability–201 (sacr = holy) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)


  1. Sacred
    It was a sacred receipe from his grandparents but which he sold for $1,000 in just a few minutes.

  2. Sacrifice
    Sometimes you need to sacrifice yourself in order to help the ones you love the most - the ones who mean the world to you and where the effort is never big enough as long as you can help them in a way or another.

  3. Sacrilege
    Putting a panel at the pub's doors that it's open only for the white people is considered sacrilege because is something really rude for the black people!

  4. Consecrate
    The Black Church from Brasov, Romania was consecrated in 1477.

  5. Desecrate
    Turkish people desecrated the church and broke everything they found.


Good work!