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RE: Vocab-ability Prefix–260 (a__, an___ = not, without) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)


  1. Apolitical.
    Being apolitical is probably a good thing these days, with so much division among the two political parties in the USA today.

  2. Anonymous.
    She told me when she was in college, sent a secret letter to her "scope" anonymously.

  3. Asymmetrical.
    The painting looked very asymmetrical with it's action taking place only on one side.

  4. Asexual.
    Sexual and asexual reproduction prevail in all species.

  5. Anarchy.
    The last Woodstock Festival ended up in violence and total anarchy, which was the antithesis of the original Woodstock Festival in 1969.

  6. Anemic.
    The patient became anemic because of his lack of certain nutrients in his food and his body's lack of proper metabolism.

  7. Anesthetize
    After the patient was anesthetized, the surgery went well, and the doctor was pleased with how efficient his staff performed their duties during the 5 hour procedure.


Good work!

In today's world, everyone should be apolitical, since most politics is such a meaningless charade.

Ain't that the truth!