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RE: Vocab-ability–197 (rect, reg = right, straight) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)

in #vocab-ability6 years ago


  1. The basket ball coach taught his team the Correct way to throw shots.
  2. Bad habits needs Corrections before they become addictions.
  3. Tobit's results had to be Rectified to enable him graduate.
  4. The architect gave a masterpiece drawing of the resort in a Rectangular shape.
  5. Bakers always Regulate their oven to get the perfect pastries.
  6. Soldiers march on a Direct order.
  7. A good mentor Directs the path of his or her men-tee.
  8. It is wise to avoid Incorrigible people who are violent.

Good work!