Vocab-ability–191 (potent = power) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)

Each daily “Vocab-ability 1x1” post has 2 main features, as follows:  

One “Vocab-ability” entry

By spending 5 minutes reviewing today’s “Vocab-ability” entry (below), you can learn the vocab roots and many high-level English words.    

One “Vocab Practice” exercise (for UpVotes

By spending another 10–15 minutes, you can practice using today’s words by composing your own sample sentences. Your practice efforts will be rewarded with UpVotes.     (See “Vocab Practice” rules and notes below)Today’s “Vocab- ability” entry

With this ‘Mini-Guide,’ you can identify the components in the “Vocab-ability”  entry above.

(To facilitate your quick reference, the ‘Mini-Guide’ has been minimized. For the full "Guide to Entries," right-click here.

      Introduction – For "Intro to Vocab-ability," right-click here
      Guide – For full "Guide to Entries," right-click here
      Index– For "Index" to all Chapters and Sections, right-click here

Note re Copying each Entry

Each separate post in the “Vocab-ability”  series consists of one entry (one text-box). To use any of these “Vocab-ability”  entries for your personal study or in any classroom, you can download them by clicking and dragging the text-box that you want to use, and then print them out.  

Note re Free Use 

Please feel free to download the above text-box, copy it, print it out, and distribute it for any and all educational purposes. If “Vocab-ability”  helps you or your students to increase your English vocabulary, it will have served its purpose.   
(I hold the copyright to the original “Vocab-ability” guide, which was published in 2002. I hereby grant free use of all the material contained in this post and in all other “Vocab-ability” posts on Steemit).




  1. My coffee was very potent, it was quiet bitter.
  2. The the priest sired a baby with one of his parishioners in the confession room because her husband was impotent.
  3. Steen Monsters has great potential for a game.
  4. The king was very potentate and killed the priest when he found out about his transgressions.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good work!

Clearly, priests do much good in their communities!!


  1. The poison was so potent she died within 5 minutes of swallowing it.
  2. The eunuch is impotent.
  3. That man has a lot of potential in the sales business.
  4. The pope is a potentate ruler of the catholic church.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good work!


  1. The medicine was very potent.
  2. Impotent men can't have children.
  3. One should try to achieve full potential.
  4. A ruler must be potentate.

Good work!

Re your #2, I believe impotent men can in fact have children. They just have to try "HARDER."

1-An elephant has an enough potent.
2-Now and then my resource power is an impotent.
3-Metrogyl tab has enough potential to recover loose motion.
4-Adolf Hitler was potentate ruler.

Good work!


  1. The white witch was famous for concocting a very potent mixture of herbal tonics for relieving dizzy spells.
  2. Stress is among the many factors known in causing impotence in modern day society.
  3. Her primary school teacher played a major role in discovering her musical talents as well as potential in performance arts.
  4. Wu Zetian was a shrewd but the one and only known potentate female ruler throughout 5000 years of Chinese civilization.

Good work!

Thank you! :D

1.Potent drug often accompanies some irreversible side effects.
2.I'll feel so impotent when I can't help someone who is important to me.
3.This kind of behavior of the kid shows the potential for dancing.
4.Some presidents in their aren't so potentate because they need to share his power with other branches of government.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good work!

thanks for holding this kind of interesting event :)


  1. I'm a very potent young man.

  2. I heard my neighbour's wife complaining that her husband is impotent.

  3. The new set of musicians signed up to the record label have great potentials

  4. Gadhaffi was a potentate before he was killed

Good work!

I hope your neighbour's complaining did not keep you awake at night!!


  1. Potent
    "That guy proved he's potent at playing soccer."

  2. Impotent
    "Let them and their impotent army cross our borders. We will show them the hell of going against our land."

  3. Potential
    "They say I'm okay like this, but that's not enough. I want to reach my full potential"

  4. Potentate
    "You can't beat them at their game. Potentate or not, they're who make the rules in this world."

Once again I miss many of those amazing posts.

Good work!


  1. Cola flavor soft drinks can act as highly potent rust removing agents.
  2. High degree of corruption have led the court system to become impotent.
  3. Every individual have potential for doing good, as well as doing evil.
  4. The industry involved with mining for natural resources is controlled by a hand full of corporate potentates.

Good work!

I like your #1. In fact, I used to work in a chemical factory that made phosphoric acid, the rust-removing agent that is an ingredient of cola drinks.

We used to dip rusted metal tools into the large vats of phosphoric acid, in order to remove the rust from them. It worked ... amazingly well.


  1. The coffee had a very potent scent.
  2. His fury was directly connected with his impotence.
  3. The child had a lot of potential.
  4. The potentate crushed his foes with unrelenting force.

Good work!


  1. The drive to Success is Potent with determination.
  2. God is able to make an impotent man become a father.
  3. Always encourage depressed people to activate their Potentials.
  4. Decree a thing and it shall be established because you are Potentate.

Good work!

Thank you.


  1. Potent
    He's a potent man even if what he's been through is a madness.

  2. Impotent
    After he lost his entire family into a car accident, he became an impotent man with no hope in life.

  3. Potential
    Even if they had not too many things in common, he became a potential boyfriend in the near future.

  4. Potentate
    The price of UK was the first potentate of his country, and came nearer than any other prince could.

Good work!


  1. Potent; John is such a potent speaker.
  2. Impotent; He felt impotent over the big bullies in his former school.
  3. Potential; I discovered my full potential as a singer when I first sung in church.
  4. Potentate; Idi Amin was such potentate president

Good work!


  1. The magic potion was so potent, I threw up a little in my mouth.
  2. Kryptonite will make Superman impotent and powerless to defeat his foe.
  3. The Flash could run back in time and change history and yet he still had the potential to do so much more.
  4. Aquaman could have been potentate, but chose the tragic hero life.

Good work!


  1. This herbal tea is very potent
  2. His neighbors are a major disturbance but he feels impotent to deal with them
  3. It's hard to estimate the full potential of the word 'potential'
  4. A potenate is one who is in charge and has direct power

Good work!


  1. Potent.
    His surgeon prescribed him a potent dose of painkillers to take home.

  2. Impotent.
    He went to see a doctor for consultation concerning his impotency.

  3. Potential.
    He showed great potential in leadership position of authority.

  4. Potentate.
    The monarchy wants to educate a potentate successor to the throne someday.

Good work!


  1. Wrestlers are very potent.

  2. Everyone called Stephen an impotent man because he refused to fight back when the disrespectful young man assualted him

  3. Men with great dreams and vision are men with great potential

  4. Potentate rulers always abuse the power given to them

Good work!


1- The speakers of my stereo are very potent.

2- Fail when you try to help makes you feel impotent.

3- Sometimes you have to look a little further to discover the potential of others.

4- During the dictatorship of 1976 we had 4 different potentates in command of the country.

Good work!


  1. Potent:
    I'll have you know that my writing would be more potent if I had you working for me full-time.

  2. Impotent:
    The child is an impotent being until he reaches the age of manhood.

  3. Potential:
    Potential has nothing to do with your being the president of this fine country.

  4. Potentate:
    They, the commoners, looked up to the potentate as someone who could never do any wrong, even though they question his contradictions.

Good work!

My services as a writer are available. But they do not come cheap!!

😢 <--- Does this face work on you? 🤨😅

I’ll keep you in mind when that opportunity comes around.

Elephant broke a big tree because he is a potent animal.
We respect our elder.
The surface off moon is so potential.
Ali is a potentate student.

Good work!

  1. Doctor Rahmat is very well known for his effective drug prescriptions.
  2. someone who has impotence will feel deprived in his life
  3. He saw great potential in his career
  4. the habit of a despotic ruler will make people suffer

Please read Rule #5 and revise your entry.

  1. Potent : The medicine given by doctors is very effective for the disease that I suffer from

  2. Impotent : If impotence is contracted, it will be difficult to connect

  3. Potential : Someone who has the potential to be brilliant in his life

  4. Potentate : A good potentate will always be loved by his citizens

Please read Rule #5 and revise your entry.

  1. Potent.
    The people in Aceh believe more in the efficacy of traditional medicine than in chemical drugs

  2. Impotent.
    Impotent men will find it difficult to get offspring

  3. Potential
    Brilliant potential will increase your career

  4. Potentate.
    Suharto was the longest ruler in the world

Please read Rule #5 and revise your entry.

  1. Potent ; Doctors who are experts entrusted are very effective at prescribing it to patients

  2. Impotent ; Impotent disease is an enemy of men

  3. Potential ; The region has good potential for agriculture

  4. Potentate ; When you become a ruler, respect the rights of the community

Please read Rule #5 and revise your entry.

  1. The weapons used by uncles are very effective against invaders

  2. If you are impotent please contact your doctor

  3. He saw his friend have potential in his life

  4. Rarely are poor potentate in government

Please read Rule #5 and revise your entry.

Never think against it because it has very powerful knowledge

Impotence happens to you, then hurt your life

Good potential is initially a person's success

Being a ruler will make your life better

Please read Rule #5 and Rule #6, then revise your entry.

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