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RE: Vocab-ability–203 (sanct = holy) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)

in #vocab-ability6 years ago


  1. Sanctify.
    It was the Pope who sanctified the ordination of priests, bishops, and deacons to minister for parishes within the Universal Church.

  2. Sanction.
    He was given a sanction to serve in the penitentiary that killed a woman due to drunk driving.

  3. Sanction.
    His application to run for governmental office was sanction by the president.

  4. Sanction.
    He needs to go to the Department of Fish and Wildlife to obtain a sanction for a fishing license.

  5. Sanctity.
    The nun’s demeanor to serve in the convent as mother superior is a sign of sanctity in the order that she serves.

  6. Sanctuary.
    The city is building a new sanctuary for the homeless and domestic abuse women.


Good work!