Recrimination (noun): Arguments between people who are blaming each other: (अभियोग, इलज़ाम, आरोप)
Synonyms: Accusation, Criticism, Complaint, Reproach, Incrimination
Antonyms: Commendation, Exaltation, Absolution, Harmony, Exoneration
Example: The peace talks broke down and ended in bitter mutual recriminationAcrimonious (adjective): Full of anger, arguments, and bad feeling: (कटु, अप्रिय)
Synonyms: Bitter, Caustic, Rancorous, Acerbic, Mordant
Antonyms: Pleasant, Kind, Mild, Warm-Hearted
Example: Their marriage ended eight years ago in an acrimonious divorce.Sliver (noun): A small, thin, narrow piece of something cut or split off a larger piece. (छिपटी, टूटकर अलग हुआ लम्बा टुकड़ा)
Synonyms: Splinter, Chip, Flake, Slice, Fragment
Antonyms: Chunk, Hunk, Lump, Slab
Example: I got a sliver of wood stuck in my finger.Envisage (verb): To imagine or expect something in the future, especially something good. (परिकल्पना, सोचना)
Synonyms: Imagine, Envisage, Visualize, Contemplate, Anticipate
Example: It's envisaged that building will start at the end of this year.
Related: Envisage, EnvisagedPleasantries (noun): A polite and often slightly humorous remark, usually made to help other people feel relaxed: (हँसी, मज़ाक, दिल्लगी)
Synonyms: Jest, Witticism, Banter, Badinage, Quip
Antonyms: Criticism, Seriousness, Insult
Example: After exchanging pleasantries, the delegation revealed the purpose of their visit.