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Zachary Warren Williams
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SPANISH INQ: Voice is a Censorship Engine for Cultural Marxists and technocrats
Zachary Warren Williams
3 min read
Why do I have to deal with people questioning my faith, telling me that I am no good for my own people, that I have to be CAREFUl not to say something some harasser WANTS to find offensive, totally out of context and report my comment?
Just because you place a button that says "hate speech" next to a report field, and a few people who dont like me click it, doesnt make it hate speech
the DARKNET can be a DANGEROUS place full of HIGH emotions and people who like to SCARE others into line. Voice needs to have multiple blockchains to prevent the complete and utter takeover by one group thats possible after we saw with Steemit Inc.
When I was given death threats by users on Steem and EOS, I had nowhere to go to report them and get people removed from the blockchain. Now im seeing Voice wants to paint my deleted posts out as hate speech, and call me antisemitic when I myself am Jewish! (And if anyone tries to make me PROVE my race like a Nazi, ill call you out for being the Nazi you are and my family FOUGHT the Nazis in ww2@ Im SICK of you people putting MY people in a BOX)
You boomers seem to want to PIGEON HOLE ME and PUT ME IN A BOX
Its infuriating , and i dont mind generalizing and calling you boomers.... im pissed that i have to deal with people QUESTIONING my faith as if they are some SPANISH INQUISITION
STOP trying to figure me out and decide what or who i am
Thats not for you to decide
I decide who I am and what MY PEOPLE think. There is a MOVEMENt to get AWAY from FASCISM in israel and I am NOt ashamed to be PROUD of having the most powerful little nation on earth, just like Im proud of the USA. Im VERY upset with a voice user claiming I am somehow antisemitic, even as I am jewish, which he seemed to DOUBT (NOT YOUR RIGHT) . I also have my OWN brand of NEW Judaism that HONORS the MERKABAH LIGHT body, WHAT DO YOU believe in? I KNOW WHAT I BELIEVE IN . You cant decide what race OR faith i am! That shit pisses me off!
These people want to delete the post I made showing TWITTERS own censorship, and then call me a racist and say Im inciting violence? For posting a documentary thats hosted on youtube about US History? Go tell Youtube to delete this documentary about AMDOCS if you want. But I have no idea how I can be "anti semitic" when I am promoting the jewish Ancient Faith and its geometry.
This documentary had everything to do with San Diego.
a city im trying to have remove a nazi relic from ww2, the swastika building which MUST be removed.
and yet you want to call me anti semitic lol
What am i supposed to do when i speak out against these powerful blockchains and their un governed users come out and make threats on my life? There is a need for a way to PROTECT people using THEIR OWN speech. There is a web of extortion out there and if you arent aware of it you are lucky. But people do threaten us and our lives and our families from positions of power, and where are we supposed to fucking report this stuff?
Are you going to say Extortion isnt real? Are you going to say EOS isnt a Vote Buying System to BUY VOTES?
This is the truth of DPOS, its run by Mafia style peer Pressure and Extortion unless it gets governed by a web of trust and WHo will join when its all just going to be gamed?
I havent seen any evidence that voice wont be abused by people with money and power yet, how do we know people wont just create bot nets of "people" ?
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LOL I just saw your post on removing that nazi building. Pretty sure you are pro jewish. What do you think about Nick Cannon? That was crazy what he said about jews.