KYC is the antithesis of freedom in the blockchain environment. I will certainly never sign up for voice, though I’ve mistakenly signed up for something else using KYC because I didn’t yet understand how insidious it gets but I’m working on unraveling that mess.
There are arguments for and against KYC for sure however, with globalists foaming at the mouth in anticipation of connecting everything one does on the internet to their drivers license, and completely eliminating internet and personal freedom, this trend must be stopped.
That being said, most of the activity in EOS and posse seems to be centralized and backed by big money interests. I don’t think our mostly decentralized nature here is really threatened. It gives people more of an incentive to come here in my opinion.
Posted using Partiko iOS
I strongly agree with your initial statement:
as well as pretty much the rest.
Well said!
Plus, I think you may find many more skeletons and red flags in my related post Is EOS’s new Social Media Platform Facebook 2.0 Mark of the Beast?
As long as people understand the differences, then yes, I agree - EOS is a selling point for Steem :)