Read my comments, you will hopefully see they were not abusive at all.
It's simply that Laura defines abusive as "not agreeing with me".
Read my comments, you will hopefully see they were not abusive at all.
It's simply that Laura defines abusive as "not agreeing with me".
This comment is trolling.
I'm sorry, what makes you think so?
Go to my profile. See the downvotes by @stellabelle, @bacchist and @lauralemons, and notice that even on the face of ad hominem attacks, logical fallacies and general unpleasantness, I neither downvoted them, nor personally attacked anyone.
Laura called me a "fucking creep", @bacchist insults me by saying "I'm a dunce".
Seems to me that the problem is someone disagrees with the party line..
Don't worry, with more people joining, it will hopefully balance out the shitty content/commenters to the better one in time.
My first comment to one of her threads was to user "krypto" who had replied within the same minute to one of her posts calling him out on not reading her post, and the weirdest thing was that she instantly took it on herself to reply to it and take it in a negative light. I hadn't even directed anything to her and she still stood up instantly. Either "krypto" is her other account and she didn't notice which one she was posting with, or she just really wants her posts to do well and couldn't take the slightest criticism, which wasn't even directed at her in the first place. But after that my comments were directed to her BS in the future posts.
Don't you guys have better things to do than making others' and you own life miserable? If you don't like something on the internet, ignore it. How hard can that be?
And no, I'm not talking to laura. It's her post, what's your business here? Showing off how cool you are, and how vulnerable she is? Big big boys you are.
Please read the examole stories she posted. If you have any proper english skills, and your brain can recognize patterns, you will notice all are made up from the same person. It really doesn't take a genius to figure it out.
I'm starting to think she may have some multiple personality disorder or something.