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RE: Steemit Leaks #1: A Minnow's Open Letter To Whales Who Sell Themselves To Bots For Money - Steemit On A Suicidal Mission!!!

in #voiceshares7 years ago

THANK YOU!!! I agree completely. If the bots are not reined in, this platform will TANK. If the whales do not start taking curation seriously, new good contributors will go elsewhere. It was a great idea, but if you manifest it poorly someone else will take you idea, do it better and leave you in the dust. Myspace, facebook.
Personally, I have decided to start muting all bots and flagging them when they are being twits to humans. I stand with the HUMANS. UNPLUG THE BOTS!


No automated system can replace the value humans bring in to the platform.... You are right sir!!