Volkswagen Launches Blockchain-Based Patent Application for Intercommunication Systems

in #volkswagen7 years ago

Volkswagen has patented a system that allows vehicles to communicate with each other via a blockchain-based network and to alert nearby vehicles and inform drivers of possible collisions.


The system can be used to prevent lane change, overtaking, or many other events with a high risk of experiencing on the road.

The explanation of the patent application is as follows:

"Inter-vehicle communication messages are shared with vehicles in the event of a possible safety situation. The most common use cases are the driver, the example of providing messages aiming to warn in the event of a possible accident, as if the two vehicles were too close together. "

"The inter-vehicle communication system used for this purpose is made by means of singular messages bearing the signature of the sending vehicle. The signature in the message provides the rejection and integrity in a possible situation. As an example of safety warnings, common maneuvers can be shown that increase both the safety and the efficiency of road use. "

The patent will be applicable to both self-propelled or used by a driver, and will display a notification on the display of the driver in vehicles with automation, while driving the driver directly on vehicles with a driver. It is thought that the cooperation between these drivers will enable the drivers to reach agreements in order to increase road safety.

"Cooperative maneuvers can be done in many ways. An effective way to use this is to have an agreed maneuver after two vehicles have reached an agreement and the deal is completed. If the change in Planda is manifested, this change must also be approved. "

The most important point of the patent is that the inter-vehicle messaging system is cryptographically signed, and the nearby vehicles can be used to form a network using this and to prevent collisions and better travel in the flow of traffic through the network.


It is stated in the patent disclosure that messages are first transmitted between one vehicle and the other, and that each message has a "code sign". This pointer reveals where the necessary information is stored on the blockchain. After the messages are sent, the markers of the latest messages are signed by the participants and recorded on the blockchain. If the agreed deal has to be changed, an additional message is added and the process continues.

Volkswagen is the latest big company to incorporate BlockChain into its business to improve its operations. We saw earlier that Walmart had access to medical records, Mastercard for anonymous blockchain transactions, and Samsung for blockchain patent applications to increase the efficiency of its logistical and transactional activities.

Earlier in March, American automotive giant Ford Motors had found a patent application for a vehicle-to-vehicle communication method, including a crypto token exchange to manage the traffic flow. As an example of a potential interaction, if a driver is late for an appointment, he may ask for another vehicle for the next 10 minutes for a given number of tokens.