You are not entitled to stolen loot, even if you are accustomed to receiving it. And no, you didn't "pay into" anything, other than a forced Ponzi scheme. You are not entitled to have other people continually robbed so you can keep benefiting from it.
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It's curious as to which robbery you seem concerned about. Hopefully, you're also concerned with the robbery of the commons by the central banksterr fiat currency system. They've rewarded themselves by the trillions since 2008 via Q.E. and such for committing some of the most egregious economic crimes in human history.
Okay, fair enough, that is not a priority.
But defining things accurately should be. A Ponzi scheme is a short-lived economic investment scheme usually enacted by corrupt financial entrepreneurs who swindle investors via using initial investment income leveraged against new income (marks) with no substantial 'product' backing the venture. Comparing our Social Security to this is ignorance at worst and disinformation at best. It's fine that you disagree with this kind of welfare system but it isn't a Ponzi Scheme...Nor is the Central Banking Fiat Currency system--that is a pyramid scheme and any anarchist worth their salt should be against it.
Other than you making up the part about "short-lived," that is a description of Social Security. No one "pays into" anything. What recipients receive is being stolen from other, productive people. (Of course I oppose the fiat "fractional reserve" fraud, too.)
I'm happy to find points of agreement Larkin. It was a relatively short period of time that Bernie Madoff got to implement his fraud (one exp.) I try my damnest not to make shit up...
Most countries have people pay for their own pension. This was supposed to be the tack that Roosevelt took in '35. I don't know how it works in America but I've paid into my pension every year I've worked and most people I know do, too. So if you're advocating all these millions upon millions of people (perhaps a billion in the coming 30-years) to not get the money they paid into then you've got a fight on your hands. Never forget also that this is happening while the banksters rape the reward pool...
I'm still wondering why you see neo-feudalism and as the best possible way forward and I don't feel I'm Strawmaning you in asking.
Please address my concerns in the links I posted rather than coughing up terse and pithy scripted replies. I'm not a paid actor...Real thoughtful responses would be more appreciated even if we couldn't agree on every point of contention.
Of course you should get back from the thief's what they have stolen from you and the other people!
I'm not advocating the opposite ( I speak for myself here because that's the only person I can speak for or from) I'm also not responsible for the ponzi scheme others have put in place and am not guilty of the theft of those billions. But that I say I can't do anything about it or have a solution to get the money back is not the same as advocating the thiefs to get away with their billions.
It's saying. I take my lost and I'm gonna be free from now on and let others be free.
I don't (or even can't) find a solution for the problem that I did not create. And I believe noone can. Except, if you don't advocate for governments or masterplans or mechanism which force everybody to do something under the threats or violence in the future.
Maybe this analogy helps, Imagine the "cotton slaves" that want to be free but other slaves telling them you first have to take care that we get our cotton back (or the equivalent), before you can be free, or else you are for neo-slavery. Then the slave that want to be free is made responsible for what the masters have done and stolen.
The other slaves want him to solve the problems of the slavery and theft in the past before they"can let him be free" which means they keep him as a slave and they are the master that can decide to let him be free as he has done as they dictated
In this analogy the slaves surrounding the "slave" (free man or woman) are his or her master, they may not see it but they are keeping him or her enslaved.