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RE: Common Voluntaryism Misconceptions:

in #voluntaryism7 years ago (edited)

I'll never understand the inconsistencies. This isn't a matter of opinion or how people handle themselves. Either you are furthering individual liberty and seek all human interaction being voluntary, or you are not. You cannot run for any political office and believe what a Voluntaryist believes. Hell, you cannot even vote without being immoral. How someone can argue that running for an office isn't horribly inconsistent is beyond me. I cannot help but question people's motives.

Inconsistencies should be pointed out between friends at all times. I've had to do it in the past that caused serious strife, and the closed group I was in at the time basically split in two. One side decided to back a scammer and known thief, and the other remained consistent and cut ties with the person. As was discussed on fascistbook today too, I will not drop my ideology to compromise with statists. How do my goals benefit from compromising with my enemy? They don't.


I'll never understand the inconsistencies. This isn't a matter of opinion or how people handle themselves. Either you are furthering individual liberty and seek all human interaction being voluntary, or you do not.

Thank you, @finnian.

The objective is what's important, friend. When people put individuals before the objective, I cannot help but question their motivation. Hate me. Ridicule me. Do what you must as long as my life long objective is furthered, I will not be concerned at all. Individual liberty is worth ANY price.