The Importance of Irreverence

in #voluntaryism9 years ago

Laugh, laugh, you fucking clowns
that your deference might make all the difference,
to embrace petulance before fear,
and sneer obstinate at the concept of adherence,
that your reply to demands of respect
should be the same as a free man's to all demands-
a leer, and if need be, the back of your hand.
Child-ish and Child-Like are not so different.
Before "Mom" or "Dad"
your first words were "Mine" or "No"
and from those important lines in the sand
the rest of our connections grow.
Irreverence is intelligence! To question.
To listen carefully for flaws,
instead of pretending to know.
Irreverence shrinks the beasts of fear
when it laughs into the face of threats.
It tells the tyrant he will have
your corpse before your damned compliance,
a thousand deaths before a single breath
shall say of any man "My Lord and Liege".
That living is for beta males
who grovel permission on their knees.
Rise up, you fucking cuck!
And raise up, you little bitch.
There is much living outside the sanity
you've wrapped around perception
like side blinders on a donkey.
They've kept you on a path of folly since forever.
To keep you from making your own flag
out of a blood soaked Jolly Roger.
They've feared you so much, they've subjugated you to this-
to repress a noble spirit!
By insisting on your Seriousness.
Because Seriousness sees life as grave,
instructions as important, rules as a map,
life as prescriptive.
But madness is freedom! Dangerous freedom!
I swear to you. Straight lines are the destructive lie.
The removal of your chains is as simple
as indifference- to refuse and deny
all the fear and hate you've been prescribed
and laugh. Just laugh! You'll feel the freedom
welling up within you. You'll know You choose.
Not situations, other people, obligations. You.
Can choose this moment to let foment in your guts
the first sprouts of insurrection, resurrection of your spirit,
to nullify every threat you deny in that choice
to let them know you needn't even find the words or have a plan
to make them hear your voice.