Breaking a Few Eggs to Make an Omelette: Ends as "Means Justifiers."

in #voluntaryism8 years ago (edited)

I have recently been involved in several conversations about state borders, perceived differences across ethnic/racial groups, and the "impracticality" of adhering unswervingly to the principle that the individual is the smallest minority--the foundational building block for all legitimate conceptions of libertarian systems of thought/property norms--regardless of situational circumstances.

Join me as I meander around beautiful Sado Island, Niigata, Japan, and talk about my favorite thing in the world: individual self-ownership.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


It amazes me how people so easily ignore it all

Very true indeed

People do forget things from the past and they are mainly also incapable of watching what is happening around them because of the ignorance that comes from being in the flock.

I usually find myself very strange, maybe even lonely, for not doing this. I usually find myself thinking that people are strange for not seeing things in the bigger picture. Many times I'm just taking a step aside, watch what's happening and seeing just people running headless straight towards the cliffs like lemmings, doing what everyone else is doing.

I most certainly don't want to be one of the eggs in anyone's omelet 😶

I always find your posts very good and I love your insights and hearing your thoughts. Keep going on and keep going your own path.

Off topic, but On Title, people always say you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. But you can buy egg whites in a carton now, so I encourage people to try and think outside the box (shell).

That's really good twist on the topic 👍
You really should take a step aside and watch it all outside the box, crowd, whatever you wish to call it.

Nice one 😇

"Walk and Talk" becomes popular among the anarhists all around the world - from Mexico to Japan ))

Great Post and Work!!! Upvoted, Follow me and I Follow Back!! Regards!!

Great job!! It's really awesome article thanks for sharing with us @kafkanarchy84

Sado island is beautiful, I love the scenery. Your message in the video was somewhat cryptic didn't quite get it :)

What part of the message was cryptic? I thought it was pretty clear. He was drawing parallels between the political climate in the US and in Germany leading up to the Nazi era; while he invokes Godwin's Law, it's certainly true that a post-WWI German populace elected populists like Hitler to "make Germany great again." He is also lamenting support for this alt-rightist (as we call it today) populism among the anarchist community because many of its tenets violate anarchist principles.

Thank u @nocturnal for making it clear for me. Appreciate it :)

I always follow your journey whether it is Travel or Other !!

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I wish the same
Thank You SweetHay @kafkanarchy84 Nice Post Voted & Followed I Wish You Would Also Follow and Upvote My Post @funnystuff

nice post ,keep it up...... see u soon

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very nice post and quality.I really like that like this I will always follow you can you UPvote me Mr@kafkanarchy84

great work. thanks for sharing @kafkanarchy84

Well done post thanks for sharing

Nice Video I am glad I came across you :)

I've been meaning to ask you, how do you feel Japan is as far as tolerance of your views? My impression is that they are generally a pretty obedient/subservient to authority culture, I'd say tending towards collectivism vs. individualism.

I'm curious because it seems like an interesting dichotomy, given your views.

This is something we should ponder more often. But then again we are just too busy.