@lukestokes - You: On the contrary, they aim to free individuals to voluntarily interact for mutual self-benefit while encouraging personal responsibility and expanding empathy to voluntarily care for those who can’t care for themselves.
This, IMO, will be the hardest to accomplish & the one thing that holds me back 100%.
I find that a lot of people who have money to donate constantly think people who can't work or are sick liars & scammers. And the number of people in this category are growing every day as we are poisoned & under extreme amounts of stress.
Yes, it says more about them than the person who's asking for help, but that doesn't matter, what matters is that people need to be able to live & thrive.
There's also tons of people who think donating even $1 is too much or they think it won't do any good.
The sheer ignorance of this astounds me, but most people aren't that smart.
What matters is that there's tons of people (including myself) who can't work full time or work at all due to illness.
I would like to find a solution, because even today with crowdfunding campaigns, the ONLY campaigns that make money are the ones where they have tons of family & friends donating, they have tons of followers to shoot the link off to others, &, or they are just really good at getting people online to do things for them.
I tried a crowdfunding campaign twice & failed both times, so I went to research why some do well & others don't.
That's what I learned.
And most of society is so full of fear based on scarcity due to how our corrupt capitalistic society is run, that they hoard money & don't give back.
Plus, they've been BRAINWASHED (usually by their parents) into thinking that if you don't work you are lazy & just trying to take advantage of everyone.