Panegyric is on steemit and ready to make the water boil! Whats our mission?

in #voluntaryism9 years ago (edited)

We're Panegyric. Steemit is something we've been wishing to see in the crypto-currency and social media platform for a while and imbeds much of our intended ideologies. Our philosophy is lets make the world a better place, many people have the same goal but the process may look different. We feel metaphysically there are two types of people in this world. Those that control their lives and those who's lives are controlled by others. Winners and losers. They that have no control, never rise above, never think outside the box, never become anything other then, the simple ideas and situations they are handed. Those that control their life's can come from dirt floors and grass huts yet achieve anything. Our music is the beginning of an anthem to those who decided to achieve anything yet insist nothing but voluntary interaction from their fellow man.

Every action we make has an effect. The Economic principle of free markets is one that is a repeated pattern throughout reality. What we put our energy into simply becomes us and the reality of what we are and is. We put our energy into this because time is limited and a passion that teaches and inspires is hard to find. As is said, There is no such thing as free time, there is only your life.

What is your life an anthem to? Who are you? The greatest books, philosophers, and artists are those of which uphold ideas that challenge thinkers. Panegyric is strongly motivated upon the idea that people today can take much from music: politics, life views, religious ideas, etc. Too many songs are about closing doors instead of opening them. Music is a perfect platform in which to share ideas, and promote vague consideration into meaningful thought. We want to do our part to develop and harness a culture that looks outside the box when it comes to existence and ask themselves questions that don't have easy answers. Panegyric realized that this was a trait common among great people, and greatness is something we want to do our part to inspire throughout the world. Panegyric focuses on taking their listeners, as well as the their musicality, to a different level of aberrant wisdom and understanding. Creating a new focus through music unlike any other. Panegyric is N/A. New alternative.